> Le 5 oct. 2019 à 07:14, Pier Bover via Cocoa-dev <cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com> 
> a écrit :
>> But once you get experienced with Cocoa and Objective-C, you can build
> applications or rewrite them fairly quickly, IMHO.
> Yeah but Objective-C is slowly being phased out. Someone from Apple already
> said in a previous e-mail newer APIs are only available for Swift.
> As for Cocoa it seems like it will be slowly replaced by the iOS SDK or by
> newer APIs that are universal. Who knows, Apple doesn't usually do a great
> about communicating its medium term plans. Maybe in 5 years Cocoa or
> Objective-C will be phased out much like Carbon.

AppKit is not Cocoa. iOS SDK shared most fo its code with the macOS SDK, so 
even if it had to replace it (which is absolute non-sense seeing where Apple is 
going with Swift UI), it would be a far less big deal than the Carbon/Cocoa 

And Obj-C is not going to be more deprecated than C++ was deprecated with 
Carbon. A language is not a framework.


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