Thanks.  That's a good suggestion.  I just realized that the thing was
trying to animate and was interfering with my attempts to manually draw.  I
saw "removeAllAnimations" and tried it to solved my immediate problem.  I'll
see if I can use what you mentioned instead.  I'm not currently using
CALayers for animation (yes, eventually), but just wanted a layering system
that will hopefully let me to stack drawing layers, annotation, etc. along
with live video layers and other things.

> Hi Gordon,
> I'm not sure what you really want to do is -removeAllAnimations.  I
> suspect that you probably want to temporarily disable animation within
> the scope of a CATransaction.  Take a look at the code found here:
> <
> /Articles/Transactions.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006096-SW9
> later,
> douglas

    The view is a main presentation view that is (optionally) in a scroll
view.  I started out using the clipView, a la the Sketch example.  Then at
someone else's suggestion I switched to scaling my main view instead.
Either way works great for a non-layer-backed view.  The popup in the scroll
bar ranges from 10% to 1600%.

    Currently, I'm just changing the view's frame and then resetting the
bounds to the original size.  I also tried "scaleUnitSquareToSize".  It
worked, but produced no different result with CALayers.  I will also need to
be able to change the bounds when the user changes the presentation
dimmensions, e.g., 640 x 480 to/from 1024 x 786.  All that worked until I
tried CALayers.

    If I could figure out what changing the scroller size does, maybe I
could make it do the same thing to adjust properly when the user changes the

> What exactly are you doing to scale your views? layers?
> When scaling layers within a non-scrolling view, I have used the
> following method:
> [targetLayer setValue: [NSNumber numverWithFloat: newScaleValue]
> forKeyPath: @"scale"];
> Usually, I place a statement like this in an action method that is
> targetted by a slider and it produces no-brainer results
> When I needed to scale a layer hosted by a view that was enclosed in a
> NSScrollview, i used the following method:
> clipView = [targetScrollView contentView];
> `    newBoundsSize = NSMakeSize( NSWidth( [clipView frame] ) /
> newScaleValue, NSHeight( [clipView frame]) / newScaleValue);
> [clipView setBoundsSize: newBoundsSize];
> This works for the most part.  The scaling is sluggish and sometimes
> the view doesn't redraw properly until a scroller is movedc.
> Have you tried both of these methods?  Other methods?


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