Yup, Amazon, July 15, $23.07 + shipping.  BTW, you might want them to
update the title because it doesn't mention iPhone.  Considering the huge
number of iPhone SDKs downloaded, that could be a big draw.  I may cancel
Amazon and order the PDF package from your site.

    I had considered adding my own base-layer as you suggested, but that
still begs the question since that layer will live in the view's layer as a
sublayer amd I still don't know how the view's layer responds to changes in
the view's frame/bounds. If the view's layer lives within the view's bounds,
then I should only have to deal with the flipped coordinates.  I was hoping
I could flip and scale using a transform so it would carry through to the
sublayer stack I wanted to include for my actual drawing layers.  That way,
I wouldn't have to mess with the sublayer stack -- they should automatically
scale when the base-layer is scaled.

     You may be right that I shouldn't muck with the view's layer, but
should add my own base-layer, especially since it seems to be a mystery how
the view's layer responds to changes in the view.


> Hi Gordon,
> 'the upcomming book on animation'?
> If by that you mean the Core Animation book from Pragmatic Programmers
> you can get the PDF now from
> http://www.pragprog.com/titles/bdcora
> and then the paper when it ships. You get a really good discount on it
> if you buy both.
> Not sure where the July 17 date comes from (amazon.com?) but its
> likely off by at least 2 weeks and probably a bit more like 4.
> Now on to the real question... Basically what you are doing is
> confusing the tar out of the layer living in your view by messing with
> any of its properties.
> If you do something like this;
> myView.wantsLayer = YES;
> And then do something like this;
> myView.layer.position = myPoint;
> you are asking for trouble.
> You should instead do something like this;
> myView.layer = [CALayer layer];
> myView.wantsLayer = YES:
> layerToMove = [CALayer layer];
> [myView.layer addSublayer:layerToMove]
> then you can
> layerToMove.position = somePoint;
> To your hearts desire and everything should be lovely :)
> Then if you want to do 'struts and springs' type stuff with
> layerToMove you can use a layoutManager to do all sorts of cool and
> exciting stuff.
> Good luck!


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