On Jul 24, 2008, at 4:10 AM, Oleg Krupnov wrote:

Notifications is another point of confusion for me. I would assume
that notifications should be used when multiple observers can be
connected to an "event" exposed by an object, in contrast to a simple
"delegate" outlet, which can only have one connected object. Am I

They're really for two different things.  Often a delegate interface
supports a superset of what notifications will notify observers of; for
example, see the descriptions of the delegates for NSWindow and
NSApplication, and compare them with those classes' notifications.

Yes, I see that delegate methods and notifications do overlap a lot.
What is this your example supposed to mean? Is my understanding of
notifications vs delegates correct or not?

It means that whether you use a notification or a delegate depends on the level of integration with the view that you want whatever reacts to it to have. There may be things that you tell notification observers about and things that you tell delegates about independently. And there may also be things delegates will need to react to that are also available via notifications, but that you support delegate methods for for convenience (so your delegate doesn't need to register for notifications too).

By the way, what is the best practice of implementing delegates -
should these be separate objects or the window controller should be
the delegate? The latter approach yields fewer classes and fewer
relations between classes but, I am afraid, delegate methods from
different views in a single window controller may overlap and also
delegate message names, while meaningful in the sender views, may not
be as meaningful in the window controller, because it is an object one
level up in the view hierarchy.

Sometimes you'll want an object to be the delegate for several objects, sometimes you'll want an intermediate controller object to act as one of their delegates.

For example, before Cocoa bindings, I often used a TableController class that I'd created to act as both the data source and delegate of an NSTableView. (It was very similar to bindings in a lot of ways.) So I'd almost never use my window controller as a table view's data source or delegate. On the other hand, I'd still generally use my window controller as my window's delegate.

Also, if you follow the Cocoa naming conventions for your delegate messages, their names shouldn't overlap: A delegate is always passed the object delegating to it as a parameter. (Example: - numberOfRowsInTableView:.)

In general, I'll create independent objects to act as delegates when (1) the independent object can be made generic, as with my TableController, or (2) the delegate logic is both complex enough and isolated enough that I don't want to clutter another controller class with it, and can abstract it into a higher-level interface the other controller can interact with.

The latter is also sort of what my TableController did -- it managed an NSTableView whose columns' identifiers were key paths, and the TableController itself had "source" and "keyPath" properties that it used to locate the array of objects to display. So it was (1) generic to any table view, and (2) provided a much-simplified API for most of my applications using it over the NSTableView API.

  -- Chris


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