Le 16 févr. 09 à 10:51, Graham Cox a écrit :

I have a script that runs during my distribution build that compresses my app using zip. If I use the Finder's "Compress" command I get almost twice as much compression. Isn't the Finder using zip? If so, what command-line arguments would give me better compression that what I am getting (the script runs 'zip -qr'). If the Finder is using something else, can I use the "something else" in my script? If so, can somebody point me to some docs on how to do that...

man zip ?

-# Regulate the speed of compression using the specified digit #, where -0 indicates no compression (store all files), -1 indicates the fastest com- pression method (less compression) and -9 indicates the slowest compression method (optimal compression, ignores the suffix list). The default com-
              pression level is -6.


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