On 4 Dec 2013, at 9:33 pm, Graham Cox <graham....@bigpond.com> wrote:

> But that leaves those annoying cases when you have the whole view to redraw. 
> I wondered if it would be worth dividing up the view into rects and rendering 
> each one on a separate thread. The problem seems to me to be that they’d all 
> be drawing into the same CGContext, and I wonder how well that could work - 
> e.g. one thread could set a clip ready for its next drawing operation and 
> another could then change that clip so they’d all be tripping over each 
> other, even though they were all drawing into a different part of the 
> context. If access to the context were synchronised, then that would end up 
> serialising all the drawing so there wouldn’t be any gain.
> Has anyone trod this path? It would be useful to know whether there’s 
> anything that can be done along these lines, because rendering 10,000 or more 
> objects is just taking too darn long!

OK, after some thought and a bit of experimentation, I think I’ve got a handle 
on this. I just thought I’d share with the list in case anyone is remotely 
interested, or has anything to suggest/add/criticise…

Obviously, you cannot share a graphics context across multiple threads for the 
reasons I mentioned - a single context cannot be thread safe, by design. But 
that doesn’t mean you can’t have a separate context per thread, all drawing 
into the same backing store. That was my breakthrough insight I guess, for what 
it’s worth.

So proceeding on that basis, I wrote a test view that uses a NSOperationQueue 
to dispatch chunks of drawing work by dividing up the view into tiles, creating 
a context for each tile (but all drawing into the same window backing store). 
As long as you wait for the tiles to all finish, everything works just 

Here’s the code, which is the -drawRect: method of a view. The view creates an 
NSOperationQueue called mDrawingQueue in its -initWithFrame: method.

#define         TILE_SIZE               NSMakeSize( 100, 100 )
#define         DRAW_THREADED   1

- (void)                drawRect:(NSRect) dirtyRect
        [[NSColor whiteColor] set];
        NSRectFill( dirtyRect );
        // get current context:
        CGContextRef ctx = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];
        // divide into tiles
        NSSize  tileSize = TILE_SIZE;
        NSRect  br = self.bounds;
        NSUInteger      tx, ty;
        tx = ceil(NSWidth( br ) / tileSize.width);
        ty = ceil(NSHeight( br ) / tileSize.height);
        NSRect tileRect;
        tileRect.size = tileSize;
        for( NSInteger i = 0; i < ty; ++i )
                for( NSInteger j = 0; j < tx; ++j )
                        tileRect.origin.x = br.origin.x + tileSize.width * j;
                        tileRect.origin.y = br.origin.y + tileSize.height * i;
                        if([self needsToDrawRect:tileRect])
                                NSBlockOperation* op = [NSBlockOperation 
                                        NSGraphicsContext* context = 
[NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithWindow:[self window]];
                                        CGContextRef    ncx = [context 
                                        // align and clip this new context to 
the view

                                        CGAffineTransform ctm = 
CGContextGetCTM( ctx );
                                        CGContextConcatCTM( ncx, ctm );
                                        CGContextClipToRect( ncx, br );

                                        // also clip to the tile (not strictly 

                                        CGContextClipToRect( ncx, tileRect );

                                        [self drawTile:tileRect inContext:ncx];
                                [mDrawingQueue addOperation:op];
                                [self drawTile:tileRect inContext:ctx];
        // need to wait until tiles all drawn before flushing
        [mDrawingQueue waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished];

- (void)                drawTile:(NSRect) tile inContext:(CGContextRef) ctx
        // draw something in the tile. Not very challenging at the moment

        NSRect tr = NSInsetRect( tile, 10, 10 );
        CGContextSetFillColorWithColor( ctx, [[NSColor redColor] CGColor]);
        CGContextFillRect( ctx, tr );
        CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(ctx, CGColorGetConstantColor( 
kCGColorBlack ));
        CGContextStrokeRect( ctx, tile );


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