On Apr 16, 2015, at 12:21 , Dave <d...@looktowindward.com> wrote:
> On iOS, there is a method called “layoutSubviews” that I’ve used to do this 
> sort of thing in the past, so it was deemed the correct place to do this in 
> iOS, I assumed it would be the same or similar for Mac.

No, it’s “old school” on the Mac.

> I’m not sure where in the process to set the Frame, because if I do it just 
> after the NIB is loaded it doesn’t seem to have any effect.

If you’re talking about a window NIB, then you have to defer rearrangement of 
the window contents until the window loading process is fully complete. The 
easiest way is to set the subview frames in your window controller’s 
‘windowDidLoad’ override.

After that, you should be able to set the subview frames at any time.

There are earlier possible points of intervention, but it’s tricky because you 
have to be certain that the outlets you’re using to get references to the 
subviews have be set up, and that nothing else is going to intervene and undo 
what you did. ‘windowDidLoad’ is the One, True™ ending point of the loading 
process, though, so it’s not worth making things any harder than that.


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