On Apr 30, 2015, at 19:15 , Graham Cox <graham....@bigpond.com> wrote:
> Well, the docs say:
>> This method only has an effect if style returns NSProgressIndicatorBarStyle. 
>> If style returns NSProgressIndicatorSpinningStyle, the indicator is always 
>> indeterminate, regardless of what you pass to this method.

Yes, they do say that. But as it happens I went to IB (6.3.1). The 
“indeterminate” checkbox is right there, and if you uncheck it you get a 
clock-style progress indicator. I guess the docs are out of date, though only 
by about 4 or 5 major OS X versions. ;)

> The code that schedules the work is:

I don’t have any answers here, just some random thoughts:

— Looking at your code, my intuition says that this smells like a reference 
cycle problem, one that leads to queue blockage.

— Don’t use ‘performSelector…’ with ARC, since it typically can’t preserve 
memory management correctness across that boundary. It’s uglier but preferable 
to get back to the main thread via ‘dispatch_async (dispatch_get_main_queue (), 
^{ … });’. There’s an autocompletion snippet for most of this.

— I’m not a big fan of NSOperationQueue. A simple GCD dispatch_async to the 
default non-main queue seems more obvious to me. The only reason for using 
NSOperationQueue is if you want a parallel operation count other than 1 (i.e. 
serial) or “let the system decide” (i.e. the GCD default), provided that the 
individual operations don’t block internally, which tends to mess GCD up. Or if 
you want to be able to cancel operations, since there’s no API for that in GCD 
itself. Or if you want selector-based operations rather than the block-based 
ones you’re using.

— For anything to do with blocks running on background GCD threads, you need to 
pay attention to the top level autorelease pool, and the place where exceptions 
are caught. IIRC, in vanilla GCD, you have to provide these yourself, but I 
don’t remember the NSOperation semantics.


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