>>  I am using Norman Walsh's DocBook too:
>> rdf + (xsp + taglib + doocbook)--> xsl-fo --> *
>> amd I have the same problems: it only works with
>> simple <article> but no for complex docbook documents
>> How do you change Xalan to Saxon?
>> I try to delete xalan-2.3.1.jar and put saxon jars in
>> WEB-INF\lib but it doesn't work
>> Saxon 7.1
>> Cocoon 2.02
>> Norman Walsh's DocBook 1.50.1-EXP
>> Tomcat 3.3a

I was unable to get Saxon 7.0 or 7.1 to work correctly.  For some reason the
SystemID() function is not working correctly in those versions.

What I've got that >IS< working is to use Saxon 6.5.1

Remove the Xalan Jars, place all three Saxon jars from a 6.5.1 binary
distribution into the webapps\coocon\web-int\lib\ directory.

Then I started getting Internationalization errors.  A number of solutions
were suggested, the one I got to work was to go into your docbook\common
directory, and edit the l10n.xml file.

I then hard coded the path to all the internationalization files, for


This got me up and running.


Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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