This is how I integrate some Excel spreadsheets in a (fairly static) web
site. The data (tennis results) is sent to me as an Excel spreadsheet. (This
is is far from perfect but at least it is better than a table in an MS Word
document. :-)

1) The old way (Before Cocoon, data in Excel 97)

Before Cocoon, I had all documents for the site as xml documents sitting on
my harddisk. Using Xalan, I applied a stylesheet to convert everything into
HTML. I saved the spreadsheet (made in Excel 97) to HTML and simply
copy/pasted everything in the HTML documents that needed the information.
The result was an HTML table that did not really look like the Excel
spreadsheet but at least all the data was there and it did not have fixed
sizes for cells, so everything resized nicely according to the browser

2) The new way (Using Cocoon, data in Excel 2000)

I still get data in Excel, but now in Excel 2000 instead of Excel 97. The
problem is that the 'Save as HTML' of Excel 2000 is way too smart. It saves
every bit of information about the layout of the sheet so it can be
recreated when opened again in Excel. But it is a lot harder to get 'just'
the data. My solution for this is to 'cinclude' the HTML version of the
spreadsheet AFTER applying a stylesheet that removes some HTML/CSS
information that defines the fixed size.

The following XSLT snippet is all that is required to remove some of the
unwanted HTML/CSS:

  <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:copy-of select="//style"/>
    <table style="border-collapse: collapse;width:100%;" cellspacing="0"
cellpadding="0" border="0" str="x:str">
    <xsl:copy-of select="//table/child::*"/>

The result is an HTML table that does resize nicely but still looks like the
original Excel 2000 version. A static version is available at

PS: I did look at the POI project but figured out it would be overkill for
the stuff I am trying to do.

Just sharing my experience...

Litrik De Roy

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sven Kuenzler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: gmane.text.xml.cocoon.user
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: Excel generator

> > Is there an Excel Generator, which creates *from* an Excel (xls) file
> > some XML? Or what approach would you take to convert existing Excel
> > documents into some useful XML?
> I think the previous responses missed the *from* (my emphasis) :-)
> So, read Andy's answer on the dev list. In short: No, there is no
> HSSFGenerator (yet).
> Sven
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