----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrew C. Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: Excel generator

> But the more important part of my answer was "What do you want on your 
> generator, and
> what do you wish you had on your serializer  --  would you like fries 
> too?"  Meaning I need ideas!  
> I'm on the fence,  I want some input.
> -Andy

I think the gnumeric XML format is the way to go. Why bothering with
Excel XML format if it's going to change anyway (if it's just a
translation of the binary format, it is most likely to change). And
Excel still can read and write the old binary formats.
This way you could also use other serializers to produce OpenOffice.org
spreadsheets or any other spreadsheet application.

So, my wish would be a Gnumeric XML generator and serializer. Served
with backed potatoes and some garnish ... ;)



jens.lorenz at interface-projects dot de

interface:projects GmbH                             \\|//
Tolkewitzer Strasse 49                              (o o)
01277 Dresden                               ~~~~oOOo~(_)~oOOo~~~~

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