On 19.Aug.2002 -- 09:24 AM, Alan Hodgkinson wrote:
> Dear All,
> Christian Haul wrote:
> > 
> > On 18.Aug.2002 -- 09:14 PM, Jan Willem Penterman wrote:
> > > > This is _really_ strange.
> > >
> > > Erm, _I_ am really strange...
> > > I had my esql:pool tag within the esql:query...
> > > Aargh!
> Do you mean the pool was within the 'query' or within the
> 'execute-query'?
> > ..[snip].. Mind you, no-one else spotted it either.
> And worse.. the Dodds IBM Tutorial, 'Cocoon 2: Build database
> driven sites', presents an example that contains the following:
>   <esql:connection>
>     <esql:execute-query>
>       <esql:pool>...</esql:pool>
>       <esql:query>...
>         ...


> In the Cocoon documentation 'How to develop Web Applications', their
> example contains:
>   <esql:connection>
>     <esql:pool>...</esql:pool>
>     <esql:execute-query>
>       <esql:query>...
>         ...


The pool is a property of a connection and stays the same for all
queries using that connection.

Could you please point the error out to Dodd?

> Who's right? Or are they both right? I assume we trust the source.. e.g. 
> the Cocoon doc. But it raises a larger question. Are there DTD's or 
> other 'reference documentation' that we can go to definitively resolve 
> such issues? Is there someplace in the source code that we look (without
> having to reverse engineer half of the Jakarta projects :)?

Yes, there is a .XSD around for esql which is unfortunately out of
sync i.e. does not capture a number of extention to esql. You can find
it next to the esql.xsp sample.

> I'm new to Cocoon and it's frustrating to have to trace down these sorts
> of errors. RTFM helps, but isn't the complete colution. 

Agreed. We should try to have up to date xsds for the logicsheets.
I'm guilty myself of not updating the xsd :-( I'll try to get better :-)

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