Great. Thanks for the information. However the questions are still thick as pea soup.

If I don't want to deploy all the cocoon jars in my war, I have to put them somewhere. 
It has been suggested that I put them in the
tomcat lib directory. Ok fine, then how does one configure it?

My goal is to end up with a hello-world war that looks like

-->--> web.xml  (NOT a 40 meg file)
-->--> jboss-web.xml
-->--> classes
-->-->--> my action or generator classes.
--> XSL
-->--> My stlye sheets.
--> XSD
-->--> My schema
--> Other static files.
--> my sitemap

Now Id like to have a war that is THAT small and without having to have an intimate 
knowledge of cocoon to accomplish it. I want all
the framework configs out of my way. I want all of the options and jars and so on 
neatly tucked away and where I can just drop them
in a directory and forget about them.

I'm seeking USER based simplicity and haven't found it yet. If I had time from my busy 
schedule I would potentially join the
development effort to get this user simplicity but unfortunately joining cocoon and 
learning its development wont pay my electric
bills. I have a book to write and the interface to my server for my book should be 
superfluous, not massively complex. The book is
about the server side and I only need the interact to demonstrate what I'm doing on 
the server side.

-- Robert

----- Original Message -----
From: "Julian Klein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: Cocoon is complex, but worth it! Some Answers to your dilemma

> First off I made some suggestions to your
> questions/problems below...skip ahead if you don't
> want my commentary on Cocoon.
> Well it seems to me that when I started with Cocoon, I
> was hoping to jump right on in.  Unfortunately, it was
> not that easy, but not b/c of Cocoon, rather my
> limited knowledge of xpath and xsl functions.  Anyway,
> I tackled these problems by studying the applications
> samples packaged with cocoon and reading the
> documentation.  It may be discouraging, but anything
> worthwhile can't be done overnight, right?  Anyway, as
> I work more and more with Cocoon, I am amazed by the
> genius of it's architecture.  Cocoon is certainly a
> tribute to Open Source and the greatness of those out
> there working on and contributing to it.  Stick to it
> and you will be repaid.
> ************************************************
> It seems if you have a servlet working, you must be
> looking to upgrade.  So you should not be looking for
> an overnight solution, which is easy with all the
> options out there.  Overall, the advice I can give is
> you must consider:
> 1)Are you going to use Cocoon for more than just a
> replacement for your servlet?
> 2)What technologies do you want to use: XSP,XSLT,etc.
> 3)You do not need to build from the CVS source, you
> can just download a pre-built version from the site
> (nightly or major release)
> 4)You may not need to create a new transformer, but
> perhaps just make an action.
> 5)You prob need a minimal sitemap(see below) to match
> your url requests to your data.  No need to worry
> about the endless options now.  The beauty is you will
> learn them as you go and find that Cocoon has almost
> everything you could ever need.
> 6)Look over the user's guide and study some of the
> sitemaps packages with Cocoon.
> I hope this makes some sense. If not, I 'm sorry, but
> I feel as if Cocoon is a great way to go if you want
> to do more than just replace your serlvlet.  With all
> the users, developers, wiki, documentation, and
> mailing will almost always get an answer.
> Whether or not it makes sense ;-) !  I attached a
> basic sitemap to get you going...
> -Julian
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <map:sitemap
> xmlns:map="";>
> <!-- =========================== Components
> =================================== -->
>  <map:components>
>   <map:generators default="file"/>
>   <map:transformers default="xslt"/>
>   <map:readers default="resource"/>
>   <map:serializers default="html">
>    <map:serializer logger="sitemap.serializer.xml"
> mime-type="text/xml" name="xml"
> src="org.apache.cocoon.serialization.XMLSerializer"/>
>    <map:serializer logger="sitemap.serializer.html"
> mime-type="text/html" name="html"
>                    pool-grow="4" pool-max="32"
> pool-min="4"
> src="org.apache.cocoon.serialization.HTMLSerializer">
>     <buffer-size>1024</buffer-size>
>    </map:serializer>
>   </map:serializers>
>   <map:matchers default="wildcard"/>
>   <map:selectors default="browser"/>
>  </map:components>
> <!-- =========================== Pipelines
> ================================= -->
>  <map:pipelines>
>   <map:pipeline>
>    <map:match pattern="**">
>    <!-- ========================= Dynamic Content
> ================================-->
>    <map:match pattern="viewHTML/**">
>             <map:generate src="myXMLDataSource"/>
>             <map:transform src="myXSLSheet"/>
>             <map:serialize type="html"/>
>    </map:match>
>    <map:match pattern="viewXML/**">
>             <map:generate src="myXMLDataSource"/>
>             <map:transform src="myXSLSheet"/>
>             <map:serialize type="xml"/>
>    </map:match>
>    <!-- ========================= Static Content
> =====================================-->
>    <map:match pattern="viewStaticHTML">
>      <map:read src="static.html"/>
>    </map:match>
>    <map:match pattern="**images/*.png">
>     <map:read src="images/{2}.png"
> mime-type="image/png"/>
>    </map:match>
>    <map:match pattern="**images/*.jpg">
>     <map:read src="images/{2}.jpg"
> mime-type="image/jpeg"/>
>    </map:match>
>    <map:handle-errors>
>     <map:transform
> src="context://task/stylesheets/error2html.xsl"/>
>     <map:serialize status-code="500"/>
>    </map:handle-errors>
>   </map:pipeline>
> </map:pipelines>
> </map:sitemap>
> =====
> Live simply so others may simply live.
> -Ghandi
> Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate.
> "Entities should not be multiplied unneccesarily"
> -William of Occam
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