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Regards, Upayavira

On 1 Jul 2003 at 16:06, Olivier GUCKERT wrote:

> Olivier Billard a écrit :
> >
> > Hi all !
> >
> > I'm trying to use a generated stylesheet for an xsl transformer and
> > I get this error :
> >
> > org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Unable to get transformer
> > handler for cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl:
> > org.apache.excalibur.xml.xslt.XSLTProcessorException: Exception in
> > creating Transform Handler
> >
> > Here is a snippet of my sitemap :
> >
> > <map:match pattern="picto-filter.xsl">
> >         <map:generate src="context://WEB-INF/workflow.xconf"/>
> >         <map:transform
> >         src="stylesheets/picto-filter-generator.xsl"/>
> >         <map:serialize type="xml"/>
> > </map:match>
> >
> > ...
> >
> > <map:match pattern="requestlist-part">
> >         ...
> >         <map:transform src="cocoon:/picto-filter.xsl"/>
> >         <map:serialize type="xml"/>
> > </map:match>
> >
> > Isn't the cocoon protocol used in transformers ??
> > Am I misunderstanding some things ?
> > Thanks in advance !!
> Did youb try  :
> <map:transform src="cocoon:picto-filter.xsl"/>
> (without the "/" before picto) ?
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