Hi David,

I am interested in your background task manager.

I downloaded your document and your code from Bugzilla and found that several
source files are missing.
e.g. the Actions described in the document and
com.dotech.cocoon.environment.thread.BackgroundThreadEnvironment used by the

I'm specially interested in calling a cocoon pipeline from a background thread.
Am I right that the BackgroundThreadEnvironment is responsible for that?

Maybe you can upload the missing source files to bugzilla.

Regards, Peter

BTW: I would not recommend to use Microsoft Word files for documentation in an
open source project. Especially if it's not bound to the Microsoft Windows
platform. Better you use plain text, html or xml for contributing

David Kavanagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>For those who were interested in something to manage background tasks in
>cocoon, have a look at bug 20271 in the bugzilla database. Please vote
>for it so it gets some attention.

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