On 8/2/07, D Chudnov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I thought the site would be back up in some state earlier this week,
> and like you I've been busy in the meantime.  Seeing that it was still
> down after 10 days led me to want to say something and offer to help.

Well, to be fair, some people have stepped up and taken ownership of
'parts' of the site.  Bill Denton.  Jason Ronallo.  Hands haven't
simply been sat upon.  Drupal and Trac were the two much more
difficult instances to migrate and, as I've said previously, nobody
has offered to take them.  You have now, so that's progress.

Still, there needs to be some 'plan' with that, otherwise our
'temporary' home becomes www.code4lib.org's new 'permanent' home out
of apathy and negligence.  That's more what I'm getting at.
> > I mean, it's one thing to say that 'we need to have policies and
> > procedures in case of emergency', it's another thing to actually
> > create them and approve them and implement them.
> I didn't say that.

No, but the point is that nobody's in charge of this.  Either somebody
makes an executive decision (and risks stepping on somebody else's
toes) or everybody calls 'not it'.  Because we don't know where we're
heading with this, nobody's really willing to commit a lot of time or
energy.  I think that needs to be addressed.
> > Then there's the
> > fact that it's quite likely that our drupal instance is what was the
> > cause of the break-in in the first place, meaning that would have to
> > be addressed or the mirror site is just as vulnerable.
> Nobody knows this for sure, so it's only speculation, and doesn't
> help.  "The fact that it's quite likely"?
Right, well maybe it's not how they got in, but do you want to run it
'as-is' on a machine you're responsible for?

> >  Being complainy is counterproductive, honestly.  If we
> > need to fix the governance issues, then let's do it.  But don't assume
> > they'll be taken care of yesterday.
> I'm not complaining about governance issues.  Did I use the word
> "governance"?  I want to see the site back up and can help if need be.
>  It's impossible to know if I can help get the site back up if I don't
> know why it isn't back up already.

But these are 'governance' issues.  Nobody 'owns' this problem because
nobody is in charge.  There is no plan forward so anything done is
reactionary and temporary.  We need a plan and structure around this
so we can move past all this.


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