I am not interested in maintaining a sudoc.info registration, and neither is my institution, who I wouldn't trust to maintain it (even to the extent of not letting the DNS registration expire) after I left. I think even something as simple as this really needs to be committed to by an organization. So yeah, even "willing to take on the responsibility of owning that domain until such time as something useful can be done with it," I do not have, and to me that seems like a requirement, not just a nice to have.

But it certainly is another option. I feel like most people have the _expectation_ of http resolvability for http URIs though, even though it isn't actually required. If you want there to be an actual http server there at ALL, even one that just responds to all requests with a link to the SuDoc documentation, that's another thing you need.

Erik Hetzner wrote:
At Fri, 27 Mar 2009 16:42:05 -0400,
Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
I am looking for the easiest possible way to get a legal URI representing a sudoc.

My understanding, after looking at this stuff previously, is that info: is a LOT lower barrier than urn:, and that's part of it's purpose.

Before Ed or someone else mentions http, to me, using http: URIs would only make sense if the GPO were actually interested in supporting such in a persistent way. I don't really want to have to go down that road just to get a legal URI for a sudoc, but if someone else does, please feel free. :)

I was a bit oblique, but I was mentioning HTTP.

There is no reason that you cannot register sudoc.info. From there,
all you need is a site that serves a 302 Found for every request, to a
page which says:: this might be a sudoc, I don’t know. There is
nothing wrong with this; just because you have a URI:


does not mean much of anything about what you retrive when you
dereference it.

In fact, there is no reason for you to host a web site at all. There
is no law which says an HTTP URI needs to be derefernceable to serve
as an identifier.

All you really need to do, practically, to make sure that sudoc.info
is owned by somebody who is willing to take on the responsibility of
owning that domain until such time as something useful can be done
with it.

And even that is not strictly necessary; just nice to have.

Erik Hetzner

;; Erik Hetzner, California Digital Library
;; gnupg key id: 1024D/01DB07E3

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