There is a lot to learn but as like any noise filled room you'll probably
just need to learn to filter out the conversations/technologies that you're
not interested in/don't apply. I agree with most if not all i've read in
this conversation, especially with what edsu and david c. had to say.
Technologies aside I think what you'll find is that everyone in code4lib is
solving a problem for their area and all of them have problems they have yet
to get to, many of which may or may not be applicable to your situation. I
think the key is identifying what you see as the problems facing your
library or worklife. With that you'll come across the many technologies that
might assist you, and with them, the others in the group grappling the same
problems (the big win imho). I think the diversity of code4lib is one of its
strong assets and even if you have a very niche issue you're trying to think
about, there are no shortage of opinions or bastards.

If you're ever unsure whether something is worth your time I have no doubt
someone will answer the call of "why should i care about X". Even if you
don't learn everything mentioned you'll still be short on time to learn what
you want to.


On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 11:14 PM, Wayne Lam <> wrote:

> Hi all,
>  I am new in here and i am currently worked in the library too.
> I am always confused that when i read the post in here, there are always
> something i don't understand
> and there are so much to learn.
>  So, the question is, hows everybody learns to be a good coder for
> libraries, what s the secret and what
> kind of technology are most important to learn?
> thanks
> Wayne

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