On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 08:15:38AM -0800, Kevin Reiss wrote:
> Hi,
> I was curious if anyone could recommend a hosting service that they've had a 
> good ruby on rails experience with. I've been working with bluehost but my 
> experience has not been good. You need to work through a lot of hoops just to 
> get a moderately complicated rails application properly. The applications we 
> are looking at deploying would be moderately active, 1,000 -2000 visits a 
> day. Thanks for any comments in advance.
> Regards,
> Kevin Reiss

1000-2000 visits/day should be possible with just about any hosting
provider.  The flexibility you need will be determined by what you mean
by a "moderately complicated" setup for Rails.  

If you want to run your own VPS, go with Linode (and contact me for a
referral key :)).  A number of customers have switched to them since
Slicehost was sold to Rackspace.

If you want a web host, I'd recommend WebFaction.  I have a client site
with them and have been impressed by the balance of support and
flexibility they offer.  See the Rails forum
(http://forum.webfaction.com/viewforum.php?id=33) for an idea of the way
things work there.


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