+1 for Montreal

Glen Newton | glen.new...@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Researcher, Information Science, CISTI Research
[On assignment: IM Advisor, Canadian Forestry Service, Natural Resources Canada]
NRCan/CFS: 613-947-9088  <-- This one now
NRC: tel 613-990-9163 | fax 613-952-8246
Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI)
National Research Council Canada (NRC)| M-55, 1200 Montreal Road
Institut canadien de l'information scientifique et technique (ICIST) 
Conseil national de recherches Canada | M-55, 1200 chemin Montr al
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6  
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada   

> Hi,
> I just chatted with a person at McGill (i.e. Amy Buckland), and we
> would be glad to host the event in Montreal. So, you can consider
> Montreal as a viable option in the choices.  
> I also know people at U.Montreal and other organizations that could
> and would probably help us with logistics depending on how many
> people plan on attending. 
> If you're not convinced about Montreal, go ask Dan Chudnov about poutine.
> Patrick
> ________________
> Patrick M. Lozeau
> librarian
> inlibro.com
> Le 2010-01-20   10:28, Pascal Calarco a  crit :
> Here are my personal musings from my perspective as one of those on
> the periphery (Indiana).  Thanks for moving this forward! 
> Sudbury seems too remote; I vacation near there each summer, and even in 
> April that can be a challenging drive, and is generally expensive to fly into.
> For folks from the Midwest, Montreal is probably too far to be honest. I love 
> Montreal (it is my fave Cdn. city), but I would likely have to fly to get 
> there as that is a two-day drive from Chicagoland where I am roughly.  If 
> consensus is Montreal, I know a bunch of people there (McGill, UQAM, 
> U.Montreal), and could put likely folks in touch to find space.
> Ottawa is still doable and Kingston is preferred for me simply because I 
> haven't spent much time there.  Ottawa is kind of expensive.
> Toronto has good and bad.  Expensive, familiar.  But also central, good 
> public transit for getting around and lots of stuff to do.  We had a Fedora 
> (linux) Users and Developer's con at York U. back in December and it was 
> great.  I could also stay at my sister's place, lowering costs to attend for 
> me at least.
> April and May are going to be really busy for me.  After mid-May would be 
> better for me.  I can't participate between April 16 - May 16, basically, but 
> I am only one voice.  If not this time, I'll probably attend next year!
>  - pascal
> ------------------------------------
> Pascal Calarco
> Head, Library Information Systems
> Hesburgh Libraries of Notre Dame
> University of Notre Dame /
> Michiana Academic Library Consortium
> Notre Dame, IN USA
> http://www.library.nd.edu/
> -------------------------------------
> Fedora Weekly News editor
> Fedora Ambassador, Indiana, USA
> On 01/20/2010 09:44 AM, David Fiander wrote:
>> So far on the wiki the proposals for the location range from the
>> center of known space to "let's all visit Dan!":
>> - Toronto
>> - Kingston
>> - Ottawa
>> - Sudbury
>> - Montreal
>> Given some of the far-flung people who have expressed interest in the
>> meeting, including some people in Wisconsin (!), it would be
>> interesting to figure out the weighted average travel time required
>> for all of these locations, but I suspect that that would just mean we
>> end up in Toronto, again.
>> I just added Montreal to the list, just because, hey, it's Montreal!
>> But then, we'd have to find somebody at McGill to act as our host.
>> If we're going to be meeting in April/May, then it's probably time to
>> start the discussion about site selection so that when the decision is
>> made, the hosts will have time to make the arrangements and so that
>> people travelling have enough lead time to make cheap travel
>> arrangements.
>> - David

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