*Oh yes, your clarification helps, Ralph.  *
***So WP data ends up in a cluster (more than one entity) for a  certain
string that applies to more than one person/heading (therefore it is
ambiguous). What processes is VIAF running to dis-ambiguate THAT heading?*

On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 8:04 AM, LeVan,Ralph <le...@oclc.org> wrote:

> I think you misunderstood that Ya'aqov.
> What we do is make local authority records out of the Wikipedia records
> that we've identified as names.  So the adding dates and stuff is to the
> local authority record of that Wikipedia record.  We then use our usual VIAF
> matching technology between those Wikipedia authority records and the other
> authority records in VIAF.  Wikipedia records that end up in a VIAF cluster
> get kept and the others get dropped as not matching anything we have in
> I hope that helps!
> Ralph
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
> > Ya'aqov Ziso
> > Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2011 5:15 PM
> > Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] wikipedia/author disambiguation
> >
> > Thanks Karen, but you don't indicate yet, how you solve disambiguation?
> >
> > You indicate how you use WP as a resource for adding dates and subjects
> > when
> > they are missing.
> > You don't indicate when/how you are resolving ambiguities with WP data.
> >
> > Again, please use Morris William as an example,
> > *Ya'aqov*
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > *Once a year OCLC downloads Wikipedia and then we extract as much
> > > information from it as we can. This generally involves reading through
> > > their current information for templates, etc. Then we try to figure
> > > out which pages are people. Within the people pages we look for birth
> > > dates, death dates, work titles, ISBNs, oclc numbers, worldcat
> > > identity links, LCCNs ... anything that we have in VIAF for matching
> > > purposes. Then we build marc-ish records for each of the extracted
> > > person. After that the records go through the normal VIAF matching
> > > processes.
> > >
> > > The process gets changed and tweaked each year.*

*ya'aqov**ZISO | **yaaq...@gmail.com **| 856 217 3456


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