On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 12:14 PM, Cary Gordon <listu...@chillco.com> wrote:
> WYSIWYG editors are the bane of my existence.

Well... it depends on what you want. If you want clean, valid HTML,
then yes -- WYSIWYG editors are unholy abominations unleashed upon the

If you want documents to look mostly closely like the author intended,
they're not so bad. Occasionally we need to do a "paste it into
Notepad and then back" maneuver, but it's rare.

Sometimes people do really, really strange things like pasting an
entire web page or Word document into the Wiki editor. For extra fun,
paste an entire wiki editor into the wiki editor. That's its own

But the worst case response tends to be "How the heck did you do that?
Let's revert that, shall we?"


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