On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 8:49 AM, Karen Coyle <li...@kcoyle.net> wrote:
> Actually, Ed, this would not only make for a good blog post (please, so it
> doesn't get lost in email space), but I would love to see a discussion of
> what kind of revision control would work:
> 1) for libraries (git is gawdawful nerdy)
> 2) for linked data

I think you know well as me that linked data is gawdawful nerdy too :-)

> p.s. the Ramsay book is now showing on Open Library, and the subtitle is
> correct... perhaps because the record is from the LC MARC service :-)
> http://openlibrary.org/works/OL16528530W/Reading_machines

"perhaps" being the operative word. Being able to concretely answer
these provenence questions is important. Actually, I'm not sure it was
ever incorrect at OpenLibrary. At least I don't think I used it as an
example in my Genealogy of a Typo post.


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