On 28/08/12 12:07, Peter Noerr wrote:
 They are not descendents of the same original, they are independent entities, 
whether they are recorded as singular MARC records or collections of LD triples.

That depends on which end of the stick one grasps.

Conceptually these are descendants of the abstract work in question; textually these are independent (or likely to be).

In practice it doesn't matter: since git/svn/etc are all textual in nature, they're not good at handling these.

The reconciliation is likely to be a good candidate for temporal versioning.

It's interesting to ponder which of the many datasets is going to prove to be the hub for reconciliation. My money is on librarything, because their merge-ist approach to cataloguing means they have lots and lots of different versions of the work information to match against. See for example: https://www.librarything.com/work/683408/editions/11795335 Wikipedia / dbpedia have redirects which tend in the same direction, but only for titles and not ISBNs.

Stuart Yeates
Library Technology Services http://www.victoria.ac.nz/library/

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