On Aug 28, 2012, at 2:17 PM, Joe Hourcle wrote:

> I seem to recall seeing a presentation a couple of years ago from someone in 
> the intelligence community, where they'd keep all of their intelligence, but 
> they stored RDF quads so they could track the source.
> They'd then assign a confidence level to each source, so they could get an 
> overall level of confidence on their inferences.
> […]
> It's possible that it was in the context of provenance, but I'm getting 
> bogged down in too many articles about people storing provenance information 
> using RDF-triples (without actually tracking the provenance of the triple 
> itself)

Provenance is of great importance in the IC and related sectors.   

An good overview of the nature of evidential reasoning is David A Schum 
(1994;2001). Evidential Foundations of Probabilistic Reasoning. Wiley & Sons, 
1994; Northwestern University Press, 2001 [Paperback edition].

There are usually papers on provenance and associated semantics at the GMU 
Semantic Technology for Intelligence, Defense, and Security (STIDS).  This 
years conference is 23 - 26 October 2012; see http://stids.c4i.gmu.edu/ for 
more details. 


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