Most of the rough edges are around some of the one-time administrative actions 
like setting up new libraries, locations, and term schedules, although there’s 
also some UI improvements in our near future.

FWIW, we just just 'finished' a first pass at little Rails engine around managing location data:

It, too, is a little rough around the edges (esp wrt views) and has some site-specific stuff, like a gazillion 'location codes' to make it work with existing systems...but that's sorta why we built it.


Jon Stroop
Application Development Manager
Princeton University Library

On 07/01/2015 11:35 AM, Chris Beer wrote:
Hi Ken,

We’ve recently been working on rebuilding an application for managing our 
hours. It’s Ruby on Rails, not-yet-in-production, full of rough edges, and has 
some Stanford-specific business logic, but it’s relatively simple and 
(probably) works for us: 

Currently, it’s envisioned as a backend service for staff to add and manage 
hours, with downstream consumers using the API to present the hours as 
appropriate. Our initial consumers include the main library website, our 
library catalog, and some other business process applications. We’ve also 
started thinking about embeddable HTML views of the hours to replace some of 
the clunky processing we’re currently doing in Drupal, but haven’t pursued that 

Interesting features include:

- JSON-API view of a location’s hours; (what I assume is a bespoke..) Drupal 
calendar feed; import and export for spreadsheets of hours;
- multiple library (and location-within-a-library) support;
- granular access control for updating hours; we have the notion of global 
hours administrators, but expect to also support library- and location-specific 
authorization, allowing library managers to set and update the hours for a 
subset of our locations [1];
- support for setting operating hours for a term and/or exceptions for 
particular days (e.g. holidays and the like) using an in-place editor;
- we have a notion of location-specific messages associated with exceptions to 
the normal schedule (e.g. the Art library is closed this week for Y), which can 
be reflected in applications that consume the library hours

Most of the rough edges are around some of the one-time administrative actions 
like setting up new libraries, locations, and term schedules, although there’s 
also some UI improvements in our near future.

Chris Beer
Digital Library Systems and Services
Stanford University Libraries

[1] Although I’m more interested in allowing any staff member to update the 
hours, and provide better notifications when a location’s hours change; that 
said, strong access control is much easier to reason about and codify..

On Jul 1, 2015, at 6:01 AM, Ken Irwin <> wrote:

Hi folks,

I'm hoping to find some sort of web-based app that can manage the library's 
hours of operations, including:

*         Displaying today's hours

*         Displaying an upcoming schedule of hours

*         Updatable though a GUI interface by non-techy library staff

*         Able to update our Google Places account hours (which, I note, 
currently lists our school-year hours as our open hours today), perhaps on a 
daily basis

*         Preferably a stand-alone thing that can provide data on an ad hoc 
basis (as opposed to a CMS-specific thing like a WP plugin or a Drupal module)

*         PHP preferred but not necessary

*         OSS / free preferred but not necessary

I feel certain that someone else has already wanted this enough to create it. 
Anyone have a solution they're happy with?


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