
On 04/03/2010 15:00, HYORDEY Julian wrote:
> Hi there,
> Sorry for my english.
> Well, I am trying to load just BIND plugin. Doesn't work for me..
> What I did :


> add this :
> Loadplugin bind
> to collectd.conf too.
> I am on lenny, get the "collectdCould not find plugin bind." error message. 
> Please, help me,
>  2 hours on that, I am becoming crazy..
> Oh, /usr/lib/collectd/bind.so doesn't exist.. normal ?

If you're using the package on lenny, it should be version collectd 4.4,
the bind plugin is available since 4.6.
You should either compile a more recent version of collectd or install a
more recent package.

Manuel CISSE

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