
Do you use rrdcached ? If not, use it and all you i/o problem will



Le 2013-08-16 00:39, Jesse Reynolds a écrit : 

> Hello, 
> We're noticing some interesting patterns in collectd / librrd is flushing RRD 
> files to disk. 
> We have a 1TB volume for RRD files, which is at 75% capacity. Over the last 
> few weeks the response time of the disks has slowly degraded, with a few 
> sudden jumps (see graph below). When it jumps up in response time, it seems 
> collectd responds by halving the write ops, and octets. Is it just deciding 
> to flush half as often? If anyone has some pointers to the details of this 
> behaviour, that'd be great. 
> Also, does anyone recognise this pattern as being related to how full the SSD 
> backed volume is, and perhaps the disks are now needing to do garbage 
> collection? I'm pretty new to SSDs, and I suspect RRDs are a fairly uncommon 
> way to utilise SSD drives. 
> FWIW, we have 5 x 256 GB Micron SSDs in a IBM hardware RAID 5 set. The OS is 
> linux (ubuntu 12.04). 
> disk time, ms: 
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5932161/visage/disk%20time%20ms%201%20month.png
>  [1]
> bytes per second: 
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5932161/visage/rrd%20disk%20octets%20per%20second%201%20month.png
>  [2]
> RRD filesystem disk utilisation: 
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5932161/visage/rrd%20disk%20utilisation%201%20mth.png
>  [3]
> Thank you!
> Jesse
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