Hello CollectD List!

I am interested in using CollectD on a LAN, but would like to use the MultiCast 
Network output to transmit to whatever real time readers may appear, capture, 
and graph the output.

In particular, I would like to connect my iPhone to the LAN, run a CollectD 
receiver, just start receiving data, and have my iPhone start producing graphs 
based upon the data observed.

Is there an iPhone CollectD MultiCast Network Receiver, basic logger, and basic 
time-series or gauge grapher?

I am thinking about functionality similar to “perfmeter” on old SunView or 
OpenWindows workstations, but eliminating the workstation part since I have a 
phone in my pocket, and trying to simplify usage for collectd on appliances 
forwarding telemetry. 

The use case: IoT appliances are collectd enabled & dumping telemetry on 
multicast, I start start up an iPhone app, view graphs in real time from what 
is seen over multicast, determine health of IoT items, discard data as I shut 
off the app, I don’t want any knowledge of IoT objects outside the LAN (no web 
sites, no usernames, no passwords, maybe MAC Address or serial# or appliance 
name, just Appliance sensors & IoT health on my LAN.)

Thanks! DavidH

Sent from my iPhone
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