cryptoe commented on code in PR #15817:

@@ -217,4 +217,6 @@ List<Interval> getUnusedSegmentIntervals(
   void populateUsedFlagLastUpdatedAsync();
   void stopAsyncUsedFlagLastUpdatedUpdate();

Review Comment:
   Please add java docs to the method. 
   And the method name should be refreshSchema. 

@@ -1088,6 +1123,174 @@ public DataSegment map(int index, ResultSet r, 
StatementContext ctx) throws SQLE
+  private void doPollSegmentAndSchema()
+  {
+    final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
+"Starting polling of segment and schema table. latestSchemaId is 
[%s].", latestSchemaId.get());
+    ConcurrentMap<SegmentId, SegmentSchemaCache.SegmentStats> segmentStats = 
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

Review Comment:
   This can be a immutableMap as well since we do not have multiple writers. 

@@ -1088,6 +1123,174 @@ public DataSegment map(int index, ResultSet r, 
StatementContext ctx) throws SQLE
+  private void doPollSegmentAndSchema()
+  {
+    final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
+"Starting polling of segment and schema table. latestSchemaId is 
[%s].", latestSchemaId.get());
+    ConcurrentMap<SegmentId, SegmentSchemaCache.SegmentStats> segmentStats = 
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
+    // some databases such as PostgreSQL require auto-commit turned off
+    // to stream results back, enabling transactions disables auto-commit
+    //
+    // setting connection to read-only will allow some database such as MySQL
+    // to automatically use read-only transaction mode, further optimizing the 
+    final List<DataSegment> segments = connector.inReadOnlyTransaction(
+        new TransactionCallback<List<DataSegment>>()
+        {
+          @Override
+          public List<DataSegment> inTransaction(Handle handle, 
TransactionStatus status)
+          {
+            return handle
+                .createQuery(StringUtils.format("SELECT payload, schema_id, 
num_rows FROM %s WHERE used=true", getSegmentsTable()))
+                .setFetchSize(connector.getStreamingFetchSize())
+                .map(
+                    new ResultSetMapper<DataSegment>()
+                    {
+                      @Override
+                      public DataSegment map(int index, ResultSet r, 
StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException
+                      {
+                        try {
+                          DataSegment segment = 
jsonMapper.readValue(r.getBytes("payload"), DataSegment.class);
+                          segmentStats.put(
+                              segment.getId(),
+                              new SegmentSchemaCache.SegmentStats(
+                                  (Long) r.getObject("schema_id"),
+                                  (Long) r.getObject("num_rows")
+                              )
+                          );
+                          return replaceWithExistingSegmentIfPresent(segment);
+                        }
+                        catch (IOException e) {
+                          log.makeAlert(e, "Failed to read segment from 
+                          // If one entry in database is corrupted doPoll() 
should continue to work overall. See
+                          // filter by `Objects::nonNull` below in this method.
+                          return null;
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                )
+                .list();
+          }
+        }
+    );
+    ConcurrentMap<Long, SchemaPayload> schemaMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
+    String schemaPollQuery;
+    Long lastSchemaIdPrePoll = latestSchemaId.get();
+    if (lastSchemaIdPrePoll == null) {
+"Executing full schema refresh.");
+      schemaPollQuery =
+          StringUtils.format(
+              "SELECT id, payload FROM %s WHERE version = '%s'",
+              getSegmentSchemaTable(),
+              CentralizedDatasourceSchemaConfig.SCHEMA_VERSION
+          );
+    } else {
+      schemaPollQuery = StringUtils.format(
+          "SELECT id, payload FROM %s WHERE version = '%s' AND id > %s",
+          getSegmentSchemaTable(),
+          CentralizedDatasourceSchemaConfig.SCHEMA_VERSION,
+          lastSchemaIdPrePoll
+      );
+    }
+    String finalSchemaPollQuery = schemaPollQuery;
+    final AtomicReference<Long> maxPolledId = new AtomicReference<>();
+    maxPolledId.set(lastSchemaIdPrePoll);
+    connector.inReadOnlyTransaction(new TransactionCallback<Object>()
+    {
+      @Override
+      public Object inTransaction(Handle handle, TransactionStatus status)
+      {
+        return handle.createQuery(finalSchemaPollQuery)
+                     .setFetchSize(connector.getStreamingFetchSize())
+                     .map(new ResultSetMapper<Void>()
+                     {
+                       @Override
+                       public Void map(int index, ResultSet r, 
StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException
+                       {
+                         try {
+                           long id = r.getLong("id");
+                           if (maxPolledId.get() == null || id > 
maxPolledId.get()) {
+                             maxPolledId.set(id);
+                           }
+                           schemaMap.put(
+                               r.getLong("id"),
+                               jsonMapper.readValue(r.getBytes("payload"), 
+                           );
+                         }
+                         catch (IOException e) {
+                           log.makeAlert(e, "Failed to read schema from 
+                         }
+                         return null;
+                       }
+                     }).list();
+      }
+    });
+    log.debug("SchemaMap polled from the database is [%s]", schemaMap);
+    if (lastSchemaIdPrePoll == null) {
+      // full refresh
+      segmentSchemaCache.updateFinalizedSegmentSchemaReference(schemaMap);
+    } else {
+      // delta update
+      schemaMap.forEach(segmentSchemaCache::addFinalizedSegmentSchema);
+    }
+    segmentSchemaCache.updateFinalizedSegmentStatsReference(segmentStats);
+    segmentSchemaCache.resetInTransitSMQResultPublishedOnDBPoll();

Review Comment:
   There can be a race between 1235-1247. 
   Should we push this inside the transaction lock ?

@@ -1088,6 +1123,174 @@ public DataSegment map(int index, ResultSet r, 
StatementContext ctx) throws SQLE
+  private void doPollSegmentAndSchema()
+  {
+    final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
+"Starting polling of segment and schema table. latestSchemaId is 
[%s].", latestSchemaId.get());
+    ConcurrentMap<SegmentId, SegmentSchemaCache.SegmentStats> segmentStats = 
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
+    // some databases such as PostgreSQL require auto-commit turned off
+    // to stream results back, enabling transactions disables auto-commit
+    //
+    // setting connection to read-only will allow some database such as MySQL
+    // to automatically use read-only transaction mode, further optimizing the 
+    final List<DataSegment> segments = connector.inReadOnlyTransaction(
+        new TransactionCallback<List<DataSegment>>()
+        {
+          @Override
+          public List<DataSegment> inTransaction(Handle handle, 
TransactionStatus status)
+          {
+            return handle
+                .createQuery(StringUtils.format("SELECT payload, schema_id, 
num_rows FROM %s WHERE used=true", getSegmentsTable()))
+                .setFetchSize(connector.getStreamingFetchSize())
+                .map(
+                    new ResultSetMapper<DataSegment>()
+                    {
+                      @Override
+                      public DataSegment map(int index, ResultSet r, 
StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException
+                      {
+                        try {
+                          DataSegment segment = 
jsonMapper.readValue(r.getBytes("payload"), DataSegment.class);
+                          segmentStats.put(
+                              segment.getId(),
+                              new SegmentSchemaCache.SegmentStats(
+                                  (Long) r.getObject("schema_id"),
+                                  (Long) r.getObject("num_rows")
+                              )
+                          );
+                          return replaceWithExistingSegmentIfPresent(segment);
+                        }
+                        catch (IOException e) {
+                          log.makeAlert(e, "Failed to read segment from 
+                          // If one entry in database is corrupted doPoll() 
should continue to work overall. See
+                          // filter by `Objects::nonNull` below in this method.
+                          return null;
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                )
+                .list();
+          }
+        }
+    );
+    ConcurrentMap<Long, SchemaPayload> schemaMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
+    String schemaPollQuery;
+    Long lastSchemaIdPrePoll = latestSchemaId.get();
+    if (lastSchemaIdPrePoll == null) {
+"Executing full schema refresh.");
+      schemaPollQuery =
+          StringUtils.format(
+              "SELECT id, payload FROM %s WHERE version = '%s'",
+              getSegmentSchemaTable(),
+              CentralizedDatasourceSchemaConfig.SCHEMA_VERSION
+          );
+    } else {
+      schemaPollQuery = StringUtils.format(
+          "SELECT id, payload FROM %s WHERE version = '%s' AND id > %s",
+          getSegmentSchemaTable(),
+          CentralizedDatasourceSchemaConfig.SCHEMA_VERSION,
+          lastSchemaIdPrePoll
+      );
+    }
+    String finalSchemaPollQuery = schemaPollQuery;

Review Comment:
   Nit: no need for this variable assignment. 

@@ -122,15 +148,180 @@ public ServerView.CallbackAction serverSegmentRemoved(
           public ServerView.CallbackAction 
segmentSchemasAnnounced(SegmentSchemas segmentSchemas)
-            if (realtimeSegmentSchemaAnnouncement) {
-              updateSchemaForSegments(segmentSchemas);
-            }
+            updateSchemaForRealtimeSegments(segmentSchemas);
             return ServerView.CallbackAction.CONTINUE;
+  @LifecycleStart
+  @Override
+  public void start() throws InterruptedException
+  {
+    // noop, refresh is started only on leader node
+  }
+  @LifecycleStop
+  @Override
+  public void stop()
+  {
+    callbackExec.shutdownNow();
+    cacheExec.shutdownNow();
+    segmentSchemaCache.uninitialize();
+    segmentSchemaBackfillQueue.leaderStop();
+    cacheExecFuture = null;
+  }
+  public void leaderStart()
+  {
+"%s starting cache initialization.", getClass().getSimpleName());
+    try {
+      segmentSchemaBackfillQueue.leaderStart();
+      cacheExecFuture = cacheExec.submit(this::cacheExecLoop);
+      if (config.isAwaitInitializationOnStart()) {
+        awaitInitialization();
+      }
+    }
+    catch (Exception e) {
+      throw new RuntimeException(e);
+    }
+  }
+  public void leaderStop()
+  {
+"%s stopping cache.", getClass().getSimpleName());
+    cacheExecFuture.cancel(true);
+    segmentSchemaCache.uninitialize();
+    segmentSchemaBackfillQueue.leaderStop();
+  }
+  /**
+   * This method ensures that the refresh goes through only when schemaCache 
is initialized.
+   */
+  @Override
+  public synchronized void refreshWaitCondition() throws InterruptedException
+  {
+    segmentSchemaCache.awaitInitialization();
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected void unmarkSegmentAsMutable(SegmentId segmentId)
+  {
+    synchronized (lock) {
+      log.debug("SegmentId [%s] is marked as finalized.", segmentId);
+      mutableSegments.remove(segmentId);
+      // remove it from the realtime schema cache
+      segmentSchemaCache.realtimeSegmentRemoved(segmentId);
+    }
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected void removeSegmentAction(SegmentId segmentId)
+  {
+    log.debug("SegmentId [%s] is removed.", segmentId);
+    segmentSchemaCache.segmentRemoved(segmentId);
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected boolean smqAction(
+      String dataSource,
+      SegmentId segmentId,
+      RowSignature rowSignature,
+      SegmentAnalysis analysis
+  )
+  {
+    AtomicBoolean added = new AtomicBoolean(false);
+    segmentMetadataInfo.compute(
+        dataSource,
+        (datasourceKey, dataSourceSegments) -> {
+          if (dataSourceSegments == null) {
+            // Datasource may have been removed or become unavailable while 
this refresh was ongoing.
+            log.warn(
+                "No segment map found with datasource [%s], skipping refresh 
of segment [%s]",
+                datasourceKey,
+                segmentId
+            );
+            return null;
+          } else {
+            dataSourceSegments.compute(
+                segmentId,
+                (segmentIdKey, segmentMetadata) -> {
+                  if (segmentMetadata == null) {
+                    log.warn("No segment [%s] found, skipping refresh", 
+                    return null;
+                  } else {
+                    long numRows = analysis.getNumRows();
+                    log.debug("Publishing segment schema. SegmentId [%s], 
RowSignature [%s], numRows [%d]", segmentId, rowSignature, numRows);
+                    Map<String, AggregatorFactory> aggregators = 
+                    // cache the signature
+                    segmentSchemaCache.addInTransitSMQResult(segmentId, 
rowSignature, numRows);

Review Comment:
   Should this also have Aggregator factory. 

@@ -800,6 +757,62 @@ private Set<SegmentId> refreshSegmentsForDataSource(final 
String dataSource, fin
     return retVal;
+  /**
+   * Action to be executed on the result of Segment metadata query.
+   * Returns if the segment metadata was updated.
+   */
+  protected boolean smqAction(
+      String dataSource,
+      SegmentId segmentId,
+      RowSignature rowSignature,
+      SegmentAnalysis analysis
+  )
+  {
+"Executing smq action.");

Review Comment:
   This log line does not add any value. 

@@ -27,38 +27,72 @@
 public class CentralizedDatasourceSchemaConfig
+  public static final String PROPERTY_PREFIX = 
+  public static final String SCHEMA_VERSION = "v1";
   private boolean enabled = false;
+  @JsonProperty
+  private boolean backFillEnabled = true;

Review Comment:
   This should be moved in testing block 

@@ -711,7 +702,7 @@ private Set<SegmentId> refreshSegmentsForDataSource(final 
String dataSource, fin
       throw new ISE("'segments' must all match 'dataSource'!");
-    log.debug("Refreshing metadata for datasource[%s].", dataSource);
+"Refreshing metadata for datasource[%s].", dataSource);

Review Comment:
   Lets change the debug to info. 

@@ -1088,6 +1123,174 @@ public DataSegment map(int index, ResultSet r, 
StatementContext ctx) throws SQLE
+  private void doPollSegmentAndSchema()
+  {
+    final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
+"Starting polling of segment and schema table. latestSchemaId is 
[%s].", latestSchemaId.get());
+    ConcurrentMap<SegmentId, SegmentSchemaCache.SegmentStats> segmentStats = 
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
+    // some databases such as PostgreSQL require auto-commit turned off
+    // to stream results back, enabling transactions disables auto-commit
+    //
+    // setting connection to read-only will allow some database such as MySQL
+    // to automatically use read-only transaction mode, further optimizing the 
+    final List<DataSegment> segments = connector.inReadOnlyTransaction(
+        new TransactionCallback<List<DataSegment>>()
+        {
+          @Override
+          public List<DataSegment> inTransaction(Handle handle, 
TransactionStatus status)
+          {
+            return handle
+                .createQuery(StringUtils.format("SELECT payload, schema_id, 
num_rows FROM %s WHERE used=true", getSegmentsTable()))
+                .setFetchSize(connector.getStreamingFetchSize())
+                .map(
+                    new ResultSetMapper<DataSegment>()
+                    {
+                      @Override
+                      public DataSegment map(int index, ResultSet r, 
StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException
+                      {
+                        try {
+                          DataSegment segment = 
jsonMapper.readValue(r.getBytes("payload"), DataSegment.class);
+                          segmentStats.put(
+                              segment.getId(),
+                              new SegmentSchemaCache.SegmentStats(
+                                  (Long) r.getObject("schema_id"),
+                                  (Long) r.getObject("num_rows")
+                              )
+                          );
+                          return replaceWithExistingSegmentIfPresent(segment);
+                        }
+                        catch (IOException e) {
+                          log.makeAlert(e, "Failed to read segment from 
+                          // If one entry in database is corrupted doPoll() 
should continue to work overall. See
+                          // filter by `Objects::nonNull` below in this method.
+                          return null;
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                )
+                .list();
+          }
+        }
+    );
+    ConcurrentMap<Long, SchemaPayload> schemaMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
+    String schemaPollQuery;

Review Comment:
   this schemaPollQuery should be final. 

@@ -245,102 +242,103 @@ public AbstractSegmentMetadataCache(
     this.emitter = emitter;
-  private void startCacheExec()
+  protected void cacheExecLoop()
-    cacheExec.submit(
-        () -> {
-          final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
-          long lastRefresh = 0L;
-          long lastFailure = 0L;
-          try {
-            while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
-              final Set<SegmentId> segmentsToRefresh = new TreeSet<>();
-              final Set<String> dataSourcesToRebuild = new TreeSet<>();
-              try {
-                synchronized (lock) {
-                  final long nextRefreshNoFuzz = DateTimes
-                      .utc(lastRefresh)
-                      .plus(config.getMetadataRefreshPeriod())
-                      .getMillis();
-                  // Fuzz a bit to spread load out when we have multiple 
-                  final long nextRefresh = nextRefreshNoFuzz + (long) 
((nextRefreshNoFuzz - lastRefresh) * 0.10);
-                  while (true) {
-                    // Do not refresh if it's too soon after a failure (to 
avoid rapid cycles of failure).
-                    final boolean wasRecentFailure = DateTimes.utc(lastFailure)
-                                                              .isAfterNow();
-                    if (isServerViewInitialized &&
-                        !wasRecentFailure &&
-                        (!segmentsNeedingRefresh.isEmpty() || 
!dataSourcesNeedingRebuild.isEmpty()) &&
-                        (refreshImmediately || nextRefresh < 
System.currentTimeMillis())) {
-                      // We need to do a refresh. Break out of the waiting 
-                      break;
-                    }
+    final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
+    long lastRefresh = 0L;
+    long lastFailure = 0L;
-                    // lastFailure != 0L means exceptions happened before and 
there're some refresh work was not completed.
-                    // so that even if ServerView is initialized, we can't let 
broker complete initialization.
-                    if (isServerViewInitialized && lastFailure == 0L) {
-                      // Server view is initialized, but we don't need to do a 
refresh. Could happen if there are
-                      // no segments in the system yet. Just mark us as 
initialized, then.
-                      setInitializedAndReportInitTime(stopwatch);
-                    }
+    try {
+      refreshWaitCondition();
+      while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
+        final Set<SegmentId> segmentsToRefresh = new TreeSet<>();
+        final Set<String> dataSourcesToRebuild = new TreeSet<>();
-                    // Wait some more, we'll wake up when it might be time to 
do another refresh.
-                    lock.wait(Math.max(1, nextRefresh - 
-                  }
+        try {
+          synchronized (lock) {
+            final long nextRefreshNoFuzz = DateTimes
+                .utc(lastRefresh)
+                .plus(config.getMetadataRefreshPeriod())
+                .getMillis();
+            // Fuzz a bit to spread load out when we have multiple brokers.
+            final long nextRefresh = nextRefreshNoFuzz + (long) 
((nextRefreshNoFuzz - lastRefresh) * 0.10);
+            while (true) {
+              // Do not refresh if it's too soon after a failure (to avoid 
rapid cycles of failure).
+              final boolean wasRecentFailure = DateTimes.utc(lastFailure)
+                                                        .isAfterNow();
+              if (isServerViewInitialized &&
+                  !wasRecentFailure &&
+                  (!segmentsNeedingRefresh.isEmpty() || 
!dataSourcesNeedingRebuild.isEmpty()) &&
+                  (refreshImmediately || nextRefresh < 
System.currentTimeMillis())) {
+                // We need to do a refresh. Break out of the waiting loop.
+                break;
+              }
-                  segmentsToRefresh.addAll(segmentsNeedingRefresh);
-                  segmentsNeedingRefresh.clear();
+              // lastFailure != 0L means exceptions happened before and 
there're some refresh work was not completed.
+              // so that even if ServerView is initialized, we can't let 
broker complete initialization.
+              if (isServerViewInitialized && lastFailure == 0L) {
+                // Server view is initialized, but we don't need to do a 
refresh. Could happen if there are
+                // no segments in the system yet. Just mark us as initialized, 
+                setInitializedAndReportInitTime(stopwatch);
+              }
-                  // Mutable segments need a refresh every period, since new 
columns could be added dynamically.
-                  segmentsNeedingRefresh.addAll(mutableSegments);
+              // Wait some more, we'll wake up when it might be time to do 
another refresh.
+              lock.wait(Math.max(1, nextRefresh - System.currentTimeMillis()));
+            }
-                  lastFailure = 0L;
-                  lastRefresh = System.currentTimeMillis();
-                  refreshImmediately = false;
-                }
+            segmentsToRefresh.addAll(segmentsNeedingRefresh);
+            segmentsNeedingRefresh.clear();
-                refresh(segmentsToRefresh, dataSourcesToRebuild);
+            // Mutable segments need a refresh every period, since new columns 
could be added dynamically.
+            segmentsNeedingRefresh.addAll(mutableSegments);
-                setInitializedAndReportInitTime(stopwatch);
-              }
-              catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                // Fall through.
-                throw e;
-              }
-              catch (Exception e) {
-                log.warn(e, "Metadata refresh failed, trying again soon.");
-                synchronized (lock) {
-                  // Add our segments and datasources back to their refresh 
and rebuild lists.
-                  segmentsNeedingRefresh.addAll(segmentsToRefresh);
-                  dataSourcesNeedingRebuild.addAll(dataSourcesToRebuild);
-                  lastFailure = System.currentTimeMillis();
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          catch (InterruptedException e) {
-            // Just exit.
-          }
-          catch (Throwable e) {
-            // Throwables that fall out to here (not caught by an inner 
try/catch) are potentially gnarly, like
-            // OOMEs. Anyway, let's just emit an alert and stop refreshing 
-            log.makeAlert(e, "Metadata refresh failed permanently").emit();
-            throw e;
+            lastFailure = 0L;
+            lastRefresh = System.currentTimeMillis();
+            refreshImmediately = false;
-          finally {
-  "Metadata refresh stopped.");
+          log.debug("Executing refresh.");
+          refresh(segmentsToRefresh, dataSourcesToRebuild);
+          setInitializedAndReportInitTime(stopwatch);
+        }
+        catch (InterruptedException e) {
+          // Fall through.
+          throw e;
+        }
+        catch (Exception e) {
+          log.warn(e, "Metadata refresh failed, trying again soon.");
+          synchronized (lock) {
+            // Add our segments and datasources back to their refresh and 
rebuild lists.
+            segmentsNeedingRefresh.addAll(segmentsToRefresh);
+            dataSourcesNeedingRebuild.addAll(dataSourcesToRebuild);
+            lastFailure = System.currentTimeMillis();
-    );
+      }
+    }
+    catch (InterruptedException e) {
+      // Just exit.
+    }
+    catch (Throwable e) {
+      // Throwables that fall out to here (not caught by an inner try/catch) 
are potentially gnarly, like
+      // OOMEs. Anyway, let's just emit an alert and stop refreshing metadata.
+      log.makeAlert(e, "Metadata refresh failed permanently").emit();
+      throw e;
+    }
+    finally {
+"Metadata refresh stopped.");
+    }
+  public abstract void start() throws InterruptedException;

Review Comment:
   Please add some java docs to these methods. 

@@ -27,38 +27,72 @@
 public class CentralizedDatasourceSchemaConfig
+  public static final String PROPERTY_PREFIX = 
+  public static final String SCHEMA_VERSION = "v1";
   private boolean enabled = false;
+  @JsonProperty
+  private boolean backFillEnabled = true;
+  @JsonProperty
+  private long backFillPeriod = 60000;

Review Comment:
   This as well. 

@@ -1088,6 +1123,174 @@ public DataSegment map(int index, ResultSet r, 
StatementContext ctx) throws SQLE
+  private void doPollSegmentAndSchema()
+  {
+    final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
+"Starting polling of segment and schema table. latestSchemaId is 
[%s].", latestSchemaId.get());
+    ConcurrentMap<SegmentId, SegmentSchemaCache.SegmentStats> segmentStats = 
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
+    // some databases such as PostgreSQL require auto-commit turned off
+    // to stream results back, enabling transactions disables auto-commit
+    //
+    // setting connection to read-only will allow some database such as MySQL
+    // to automatically use read-only transaction mode, further optimizing the 
+    final List<DataSegment> segments = connector.inReadOnlyTransaction(
+        new TransactionCallback<List<DataSegment>>()
+        {
+          @Override
+          public List<DataSegment> inTransaction(Handle handle, 
TransactionStatus status)
+          {
+            return handle
+                .createQuery(StringUtils.format("SELECT payload, schema_id, 
num_rows FROM %s WHERE used=true", getSegmentsTable()))
+                .setFetchSize(connector.getStreamingFetchSize())
+                .map(
+                    new ResultSetMapper<DataSegment>()
+                    {
+                      @Override
+                      public DataSegment map(int index, ResultSet r, 
StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException
+                      {
+                        try {
+                          DataSegment segment = 
jsonMapper.readValue(r.getBytes("payload"), DataSegment.class);
+                          segmentStats.put(
+                              segment.getId(),
+                              new SegmentSchemaCache.SegmentStats(
+                                  (Long) r.getObject("schema_id"),
+                                  (Long) r.getObject("num_rows")
+                              )
+                          );
+                          return replaceWithExistingSegmentIfPresent(segment);
+                        }
+                        catch (IOException e) {
+                          log.makeAlert(e, "Failed to read segment from 
+                          // If one entry in database is corrupted doPoll() 
should continue to work overall. See
+                          // filter by `Objects::nonNull` below in this method.
+                          return null;
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                )
+                .list();
+          }
+        }
+    );
+    ConcurrentMap<Long, SchemaPayload> schemaMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
+    String schemaPollQuery;
+    Long lastSchemaIdPrePoll = latestSchemaId.get();
+    if (lastSchemaIdPrePoll == null) {
+"Executing full schema refresh.");
+      schemaPollQuery =
+          StringUtils.format(
+              "SELECT id, payload FROM %s WHERE version = '%s'",
+              getSegmentSchemaTable(),
+              CentralizedDatasourceSchemaConfig.SCHEMA_VERSION
+          );
+    } else {
+      schemaPollQuery = StringUtils.format(
+          "SELECT id, payload FROM %s WHERE version = '%s' AND id > %s",
+          getSegmentSchemaTable(),
+          CentralizedDatasourceSchemaConfig.SCHEMA_VERSION,
+          lastSchemaIdPrePoll
+      );
+    }
+    String finalSchemaPollQuery = schemaPollQuery;
+    final AtomicReference<Long> maxPolledId = new AtomicReference<>();
+    maxPolledId.set(lastSchemaIdPrePoll);
+    connector.inReadOnlyTransaction(new TransactionCallback<Object>()
+    {
+      @Override
+      public Object inTransaction(Handle handle, TransactionStatus status)
+      {
+        return handle.createQuery(finalSchemaPollQuery)
+                     .setFetchSize(connector.getStreamingFetchSize())
+                     .map(new ResultSetMapper<Void>()
+                     {
+                       @Override
+                       public Void map(int index, ResultSet r, 
StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException
+                       {
+                         try {
+                           long id = r.getLong("id");
+                           if (maxPolledId.get() == null || id > 
maxPolledId.get()) {

Review Comment:
   Just set the max new variable and set the atomic variable once. 

@@ -1088,6 +1123,174 @@ public DataSegment map(int index, ResultSet r, 
StatementContext ctx) throws SQLE
+  private void doPollSegmentAndSchema()
+  {
+    final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
+"Starting polling of segment and schema table. latestSchemaId is 
[%s].", latestSchemaId.get());
+    ConcurrentMap<SegmentId, SegmentSchemaCache.SegmentStats> segmentStats = 
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
+    // some databases such as PostgreSQL require auto-commit turned off
+    // to stream results back, enabling transactions disables auto-commit
+    //
+    // setting connection to read-only will allow some database such as MySQL
+    // to automatically use read-only transaction mode, further optimizing the 
+    final List<DataSegment> segments = connector.inReadOnlyTransaction(
+        new TransactionCallback<List<DataSegment>>()
+        {
+          @Override
+          public List<DataSegment> inTransaction(Handle handle, 
TransactionStatus status)
+          {
+            return handle
+                .createQuery(StringUtils.format("SELECT payload, schema_id, 
num_rows FROM %s WHERE used=true", getSegmentsTable()))
+                .setFetchSize(connector.getStreamingFetchSize())
+                .map(
+                    new ResultSetMapper<DataSegment>()
+                    {
+                      @Override
+                      public DataSegment map(int index, ResultSet r, 
StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException
+                      {
+                        try {
+                          DataSegment segment = 
jsonMapper.readValue(r.getBytes("payload"), DataSegment.class);
+                          segmentStats.put(
+                              segment.getId(),
+                              new SegmentSchemaCache.SegmentStats(
+                                  (Long) r.getObject("schema_id"),
+                                  (Long) r.getObject("num_rows")
+                              )
+                          );
+                          return replaceWithExistingSegmentIfPresent(segment);
+                        }
+                        catch (IOException e) {
+                          log.makeAlert(e, "Failed to read segment from 
+                          // If one entry in database is corrupted doPoll() 
should continue to work overall. See
+                          // filter by `Objects::nonNull` below in this method.
+                          return null;
+                        }
+                      }
+                    }
+                )
+                .list();
+          }
+        }
+    );
+    ConcurrentMap<Long, SchemaPayload> schemaMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
+    String schemaPollQuery;
+    Long lastSchemaIdPrePoll = latestSchemaId.get();
+    if (lastSchemaIdPrePoll == null) {
+"Executing full schema refresh.");
+      schemaPollQuery =
+          StringUtils.format(
+              "SELECT id, payload FROM %s WHERE version = '%s'",
+              getSegmentSchemaTable(),
+              CentralizedDatasourceSchemaConfig.SCHEMA_VERSION
+          );
+    } else {
+      schemaPollQuery = StringUtils.format(
+          "SELECT id, payload FROM %s WHERE version = '%s' AND id > %s",
+          getSegmentSchemaTable(),
+          CentralizedDatasourceSchemaConfig.SCHEMA_VERSION,
+          lastSchemaIdPrePoll
+      );
+    }
+    String finalSchemaPollQuery = schemaPollQuery;
+    final AtomicReference<Long> maxPolledId = new AtomicReference<>();
+    maxPolledId.set(lastSchemaIdPrePoll);
+    connector.inReadOnlyTransaction(new TransactionCallback<Object>()
+    {
+      @Override
+      public Object inTransaction(Handle handle, TransactionStatus status)
+      {
+        return handle.createQuery(finalSchemaPollQuery)
+                     .setFetchSize(connector.getStreamingFetchSize())
+                     .map(new ResultSetMapper<Void>()
+                     {
+                       @Override
+                       public Void map(int index, ResultSet r, 
StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException
+                       {
+                         try {
+                           long id = r.getLong("id");
+                           if (maxPolledId.get() == null || id > 
maxPolledId.get()) {

Review Comment:
   Create a private subClass if lambdas are troubling. 

@@ -245,102 +242,103 @@ public AbstractSegmentMetadataCache(
     this.emitter = emitter;
-  private void startCacheExec()
+  protected void cacheExecLoop()
-    cacheExec.submit(
-        () -> {
-          final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
-          long lastRefresh = 0L;
-          long lastFailure = 0L;
-          try {
-            while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
-              final Set<SegmentId> segmentsToRefresh = new TreeSet<>();
-              final Set<String> dataSourcesToRebuild = new TreeSet<>();
-              try {
-                synchronized (lock) {
-                  final long nextRefreshNoFuzz = DateTimes
-                      .utc(lastRefresh)
-                      .plus(config.getMetadataRefreshPeriod())
-                      .getMillis();
-                  // Fuzz a bit to spread load out when we have multiple 
-                  final long nextRefresh = nextRefreshNoFuzz + (long) 
((nextRefreshNoFuzz - lastRefresh) * 0.10);
-                  while (true) {
-                    // Do not refresh if it's too soon after a failure (to 
avoid rapid cycles of failure).
-                    final boolean wasRecentFailure = DateTimes.utc(lastFailure)
-                                                              .isAfterNow();
-                    if (isServerViewInitialized &&
-                        !wasRecentFailure &&
-                        (!segmentsNeedingRefresh.isEmpty() || 
!dataSourcesNeedingRebuild.isEmpty()) &&
-                        (refreshImmediately || nextRefresh < 
System.currentTimeMillis())) {
-                      // We need to do a refresh. Break out of the waiting 
-                      break;
-                    }
+    final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
+    long lastRefresh = 0L;
+    long lastFailure = 0L;
-                    // lastFailure != 0L means exceptions happened before and 
there're some refresh work was not completed.
-                    // so that even if ServerView is initialized, we can't let 
broker complete initialization.
-                    if (isServerViewInitialized && lastFailure == 0L) {
-                      // Server view is initialized, but we don't need to do a 
refresh. Could happen if there are
-                      // no segments in the system yet. Just mark us as 
initialized, then.
-                      setInitializedAndReportInitTime(stopwatch);
-                    }
+    try {
+      refreshWaitCondition();
+      while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
+        final Set<SegmentId> segmentsToRefresh = new TreeSet<>();
+        final Set<String> dataSourcesToRebuild = new TreeSet<>();
-                    // Wait some more, we'll wake up when it might be time to 
do another refresh.
-                    lock.wait(Math.max(1, nextRefresh - 
-                  }
+        try {
+          synchronized (lock) {
+            final long nextRefreshNoFuzz = DateTimes
+                .utc(lastRefresh)
+                .plus(config.getMetadataRefreshPeriod())
+                .getMillis();
+            // Fuzz a bit to spread load out when we have multiple brokers.
+            final long nextRefresh = nextRefreshNoFuzz + (long) 
((nextRefreshNoFuzz - lastRefresh) * 0.10);
+            while (true) {
+              // Do not refresh if it's too soon after a failure (to avoid 
rapid cycles of failure).
+              final boolean wasRecentFailure = DateTimes.utc(lastFailure)
+                                                        .isAfterNow();
+              if (isServerViewInitialized &&
+                  !wasRecentFailure &&
+                  (!segmentsNeedingRefresh.isEmpty() || 
!dataSourcesNeedingRebuild.isEmpty()) &&
+                  (refreshImmediately || nextRefresh < 
System.currentTimeMillis())) {
+                // We need to do a refresh. Break out of the waiting loop.
+                break;
+              }
-                  segmentsToRefresh.addAll(segmentsNeedingRefresh);
-                  segmentsNeedingRefresh.clear();
+              // lastFailure != 0L means exceptions happened before and 
there're some refresh work was not completed.
+              // so that even if ServerView is initialized, we can't let 
broker complete initialization.
+              if (isServerViewInitialized && lastFailure == 0L) {
+                // Server view is initialized, but we don't need to do a 
refresh. Could happen if there are
+                // no segments in the system yet. Just mark us as initialized, 
+                setInitializedAndReportInitTime(stopwatch);
+              }
-                  // Mutable segments need a refresh every period, since new 
columns could be added dynamically.
-                  segmentsNeedingRefresh.addAll(mutableSegments);
+              // Wait some more, we'll wake up when it might be time to do 
another refresh.
+              lock.wait(Math.max(1, nextRefresh - System.currentTimeMillis()));
+            }
-                  lastFailure = 0L;
-                  lastRefresh = System.currentTimeMillis();
-                  refreshImmediately = false;
-                }
+            segmentsToRefresh.addAll(segmentsNeedingRefresh);
+            segmentsNeedingRefresh.clear();
-                refresh(segmentsToRefresh, dataSourcesToRebuild);
+            // Mutable segments need a refresh every period, since new columns 
could be added dynamically.
+            segmentsNeedingRefresh.addAll(mutableSegments);
-                setInitializedAndReportInitTime(stopwatch);
-              }
-              catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                // Fall through.
-                throw e;
-              }
-              catch (Exception e) {
-                log.warn(e, "Metadata refresh failed, trying again soon.");
-                synchronized (lock) {
-                  // Add our segments and datasources back to their refresh 
and rebuild lists.
-                  segmentsNeedingRefresh.addAll(segmentsToRefresh);
-                  dataSourcesNeedingRebuild.addAll(dataSourcesToRebuild);
-                  lastFailure = System.currentTimeMillis();
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          catch (InterruptedException e) {
-            // Just exit.
-          }
-          catch (Throwable e) {
-            // Throwables that fall out to here (not caught by an inner 
try/catch) are potentially gnarly, like
-            // OOMEs. Anyway, let's just emit an alert and stop refreshing 
-            log.makeAlert(e, "Metadata refresh failed permanently").emit();
-            throw e;
+            lastFailure = 0L;
+            lastRefresh = System.currentTimeMillis();
+            refreshImmediately = false;
-          finally {
-  "Metadata refresh stopped.");
+          log.debug("Executing refresh.");

Review Comment:

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