On 9/25/09 12:44 PM, "Sanjay Radia" <sra...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:

> On Sep 25, 2009, at 12:03 PM, Allen Wittenauer wrote:
>> On 9/25/09 10:13 AM, "Dhruba Borthakur" <dhr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> It is really nice to have wire-compatibility between clients and
>> servers
>>> running different versions of hadoop. The reason we would like
>> this is
>>> because we can allow the same client (Hive, etc) submit jobs to two
>>> different clusters running different versions of hadoop. But I am
>> not stuck
>>> up on the name of the release that supports wire-compatibility, it
>> can be
>>> either 1.0  or something later than that.
>> To me, the lack of wire compatibility makes will make "Hadoop 1.0"
>> in name
>> only when in reality it is more like 0.80. :(
> My sentiments exactly, though I could learn to live with it ....

We just had this discussion today about how to put Hadoop into a production
pipeline.  I was under the impression that 1.0 was going to be wire
compatible too.

This is just so disappointing and, quite frankly, makes 1.0 less than useful
for Real Work.  Great, the APIs don't  change but you still have the same
problems of getting data on/off the grid without upgrading your clients
every time. 

To me, without wire compatibility, 1.0 makes me feel pretty "meh; who
cares--we're still going to be in upgrade hell".

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