Allen Wittenauer wrote:
Oh, I completely understand.  I'm just throwing in a non-developer's
opinion... because I'm sure I'm not the only one expecting/assuming that 1.0
== completely stable.

If we have to live up to that expectation then we might never release 1.0! Frankly, I fear the longer we delay a 1.0 release the more we raise expectations that it will be all things. Rather, I'd like to have 1.0 to mean just one thing: back-compatible APIs until 2.0, with the expectation that there will be several 1.x releases between. We can add other things to 1.0, which might push it out further, but I don't see how that helps things much.

Would it be materially better for you if we waited longer before calling a release 1.0, assuming that the same features are released in the same order and on the same schedule regardless of the release name?


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