With 6 binding +1s, 21 non-binding +1s, this release vote passes. Thanks
everyone who voted for this release!

I’ll follow up on the post-voting release process.

I've also collected the feedback so far, and I'll address them in
branch-2.6 (i.e. 2.6.3). They include
- site.xml: HADOOP-11420
- hdfs UI has the footer "Hadoop 2014": HDFS-8149
- does not compile on java 8 on Windows: HADOOP-11449
- some JIRAs mis-categorized: it is because there were errors in the
original commits (which were then cherry-picked)
- TestSubmitApplicationWithRMHA fails: test-only issues; YARN-4312 filed
- duplicate dependency definitions in POMs: HADOOP-12526 filed
- sha512 checksums for tarballs: not an issue (they are there in mds files)


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