Thanks Yongjun for identifying and proposing this change to 2.6.4. I think this 
is the right thing to do and check for following releases. For 2.6.4, it seems 
unnecessary to create another release candidate for this issue as we only 
kicking off a new RC build when last RC has serious problem in functionality. 
The vote progress is quite smoothly so far, so it seems unlikely that we will 
create a new RC. However, I think there are still two options here:
Option 1:  in final build, adopt change of HDFS-9629 that only updates the 
footer of Web UI to show year 2016.
Option 2: skip HDFS-9629 for 2.6.4 and adopt it later for 2.6.5.
I prefer Option 1 as this is a very low risky change without affecting any 
functionality, and we allow non-functional changes (like release date, etc.) 
happen on final build after RC passed. I would like to hear the voices in 
community here before acting for the next step. Thoughts?


From: Yongjun Zhang <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2016 8:54 AM
To: Hadoop Common
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Hadoop 2.6.4 RC0

Hi Junping,

Thanks a lot for leading the effort on 2.6.4.

We were discussing in HDFS-9629, and have agreement on adding an additional
step in the release process to update the year in the webui footer. See

I noticed that the current RC for 2.6.4 still has the year of 2014 (the
example steps in the above link is validated on 2.6.4 RC0). So the steps I
proposed in the link could be applied when we create new RCs.

Thanks Akira for +1 on this proposed additional release step. Once we have
an agreement on the details, we will update the wiki page accordingly.



On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 11:01 PM, Junping Du <> wrote:

> Hi community folks,
>    I've created a release candidate RC0 for Apache Hadoop 2.6.4 (the next
> maintenance release to follow up 2.6.3.) according to email thread of
> release plan 2.6.4 [1]. Below is details of this release candidate:
> The RC is available for validation at:
> *
> <>*
> The RC tag in git is: release-2.6.4-RC0
> The maven artifacts are staged via at:
> *
> <
> >*
> You can find my public key at:
> Please try the release and vote. The vote will run for the usual 5 days.
> Thanks!
> Cheers,
> Junping
> [1]: 2.6.4 release plan:

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