Ideally, a test-case would be awesome, even if it refers to some far-away stylesheet...

Can you try calling .clear() on the result of this
                context.runScript(uri, output, isExport(), isInherit())
(and the other call).

Maybe that'll help.
In all cases, this context is gc-ed shortly after, I believe... so I see no reasons for big leaks at the tag-cache level.

Also, maybe it would help to give more details where to go... I think this was reported about very long ago so maybe a distribution maven-1.0.2 or such should have this bug ?


Le 24 janv. 05, à 12:35, Brett Porter a écrit :


I did some testing and can confirm that the current site generation memory leak occurs here:

       <j:file name="${outFile}" encoding="${outputencoding}"
         omitXmlDeclaration="true" outputMode="xml"
-->          <j:include uri="${stylesheet.toString()}"/>

If I remove the include, nothing is leaked. So, while this is obviously a whole lot of additional Jelly (actually, its this: plugin-resources/site.jsl); it is just Jelly - nothing about Maven's context creation AFAICT.

j:include does a context.runScript(uri, output, isExport(), isInherit()); which is when the caching occurs, right?

So are there any further ideas about where the leak is? IS it the JSL used in site.jsl, the j:include itself, or something else? Do you need me to do more narrowing down within site.jsl or does someone have a hunch?


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