+1 for promoting feedparser to commons proper

-0 for dedicated mailing list, httpclient got one during their major refactoring mail storm when they were sending dozens of mails every day. It was a practical solution but not good community wise.
I would advice only to get a separate mailing list if you are planning to move to jakarta level project. (it is also less confusing to your users)

-- Dirk

Kevin A. Burton wrote:

Hey gang.

I'd like to propose that we move FeedParser into commons proper. The main
personal requirement for this is that I want to do a 0.5 release for my CodeCon
talk on the FeedParser on Feb 11.


We've been in the sandbox for 11 months now. The FeedParser itself is more than
2 years old. Its currently used in production at rojo.com to handle more than
1.9 million feeds.

We currently have three developers working on the FeedParser:

Kevin Burton (me)
Brad Neuberg (Rojo Networks Inc.)
Joseph Ottinger (Fusion Alliance)

We're also working with the Rome developers (another RSS parser) to try to
standardize APIs and are collaborating on a common feed parsing components
including networking IO, autodiscovery, unit test, and potential collaboration.
In order for this to happen though I need to get a stable release of FeedParser
out the door and the sandbox doesn't allow any releases.

I also want to be able to give out SVN commit to additional developers as they
come on board.

Also... I assume we can get a dedicated mailing list for the FeedParser?
HttpClient is currently doing this.

The roadmap for FeedParser is to get a 0.5 release out before Feb 11 and then
about a month later to release 1.0. Then I want to start working on better and
DEEPER unit tests and then rewrite the backend to use SAX. At this point I
can make a better case that the Rome developers should build their object model
on top of FeedParser ....

Thanks guys!!!

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