Phil Steitz wrote:
On 6/23/07, Rahul Akolkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 6/23/07, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> It is time to release version 1 of the commons-sandbox-parent. The
> latest changes includes updating the parent to commons-parent-3 and
> locking down the versions for plugins. Note that I have changed the
> artifactId to commons-sandbox-parent, to have a consistent naming scheme
> (compare it to commons-parent).
> This will be the first release and is important because it enables
> reproducible builds and site generation for the sandbox components.

I haven't yet understood why we need to release anything from the
sandbox at all. Sure, reproducibility is a good thing, but I doubt the
builds are radically irreproducible without this release; and more
importantly, I believe if people are interested in the sandbox
components and their reproducibility, they should help get a release
out instead.

I think you have a good point there, Rahul, but I would see this as a
commons release, not a commons-sandbox release and I personally see
the benefit (consistent builds, easier to get a sandbox component to
build when jumping in) as outweighing the negatives (increasing
likelihood people depend on sandbox components, making the sandbox
more "comfortable"), especially given that we are *not* releasing any
sandbox jars.

Yes, I agree. A stable sandbox-parent will make it easier for components to move out of the sandbox and into commons proper.

I have a couple of comments on the pom itself before adding my +1, though.

Sorry if I missed this before, but I don't see why we should include
the reports that are added to the sandbox POM.  The ones in the parent
are the only ones that I see as *always* needed.  I have thought about
suggesting that we drop the RAT report from there.  At different
stages of development, different reports make sense and I personally
prefer to maintain the list per component, other than things like
javadoc that you are never going to want to turn off.

When I started working on the M2 poms I tried to find a least common denominator of the reports that were on the M1 sites.

Some reports are valid for all components while others might only be of interest to some. Out aim should be to establish which plugins are mandatory (goes into the parent) and which are voluntary (goes into a component's pom).

The 3 reports that are in the sandbox parent seems like good candidates for the sandbox parent to me:

- Taglist - helps track things that are left to do before a release
- Cobertura - makes sure the tests coverage is good enough
  (this one might move to commons-parent)
- PMD - checks that the code doesn't smell bad
  (this one might also move to commons-parent)

Another minor comment is that it might be better to move the pom and
site into a sandbox-parent in svn.  This obviously has nothing to do
with the release vote.

Yes, that was on my todo-list earlier, but I couldn't find enough time back then. I might have a go at that after this release.


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Dennis Lundberg

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