* On 2003-02-05 at 18:55,
  Andrew C. Oliver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> excited the electrons to say:
> I would like to propose that after seeing the way that this list
> functions up until now, that it the issue be reconsidered and that
> it be re-opened to the public.

as has been poiinted out by others, i don't think this is a
particularly good time to raise the issue.  not only do i think the
same results will obtain, but i think even having it on the table is
going to piss some people off who are eminently tired of the topic.  i
suggest at least waiting until mid april.  people have already
established their opinions and positions on the matter.

*however*.. if you want to change this to a proposal that we create a
*new* opt-in list with no restrictions on subscription, i think that
is a different matter.  not only would it seem to satisfy both camps,
but i suspect the discussion energy for it would not be as stale.

> Main considerations:
> * there is already a private list *committers* which important issues
> like "gee the server was attacked, please don't leave publically
> executable/writable files in your home director expecially you, you
> and you

{sigh} if you're going to talk about opening community@, please *drop*
this bogus comparison.  community@ is opt-in -- which means that only
those people who are interested get deluged with the periodic denial
of service.  committers@ is *mandatory*: if you're an apache
committer, you *cannot* escape being on the committers list.  ergo, it
is not for discussions.

> * The quality of the conversation will increase

non sequitur.. :-)

> Minor considerations:
> * I will rejoin and stop whining about it.

won't you consider being nice and doing that anyway?  or is this the
only price you'll accept?  <grin size="huge"/> <laugh/>
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Golux.Com/coar/
Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"

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