On Sat, 24 Jan 2004, Paul Libbrecht wrote:
> That looks like great news.
> Everytime I see an open-source license coming out, I keep having the
> same question: what is expected, what is known (and known to fail), in
> terms of applicability of this license in other countries than the USA?

Dirk has some knowlege of European law and case history, but I can't say
any lawyer has looked at it with an eye towards that.  It doesn't seem
like we relied upon much that would lie outside the Berne convention.

> There has been loads of discussions in Europe about the applicability
> of most Open-Source license, it seems there's none. The GPL has been
> the first victim but I think the Apache License 1.1 is such as well.

For what reason do you say the GPL is the "first victim"?  I know there
was a question about whether it might have trouble in Germany (not being
written *in* German), but not a resolution or definitive answer to that.

I've had enough of chasing hypotheticals and would like to focus on
specific examples.


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