On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Laszlo KREKACS
<laszlo.krekacs.l...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Laszlo for your comments - Jonkristian don't let him press you
down, there's a lot of good in your layout!

But it might be a good idea to try some of this at Freerunner (neon is
a nice image viewer) to see the sizes etc.

> 3. No idea what is the 23 number of the upper left corner of clock.
> Should be 42, no?;)


> 6. In the current paroli gui, there are quite a big role of sliding
> left and right. Its a nice screen size saver.
> I think its totally lacks your design.

I don't think you HAVE to implement it if not needed - but it's good
to remember that it's possible to use the sliders too.

> 8. There are many eyecandy in your image, which takes *time* to
> implement it, and also slows down the gui a little. Im thinking about
> all the gradient at the edge of each button, or the sms text view.

That's too bad, the small things make it look good.. But I guess we
have to start somewhere..

> Are you also interested in implementing your gui? I would be more than
> happy to mentoring you.

Jonkristian, this is the part where you need to step up, maybe with
vbx. This is an awesome opportunity to learn the E-stuff - and I'm
sure it's A LOT easier if someone already familiar with it and Paroli
will mentor you (I'm sure Laszlo knows what I'm talking about... :).
It'll take some time but start with something simple and reach further
when you learn more complex stuff..

Laszlo, nice to see you offering to mentor Jon Kristian, I like it :)


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi
| http://risto.kurppa.fi

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