About the information density & 4 lines text too small - Why not use
the full 5 blocks (= 60% of the screen area) of space to show
information when you select one of the menu items. It's not much use
to show 'Telephony, messaging, connectivity and config' texts, if
you've clicked on 'people'. The icons on the left are enough to
indicate me what happens when I click one of them, especially after
seeing the texts in the home/main view for a day or two.

-> Idea 1: convert the icon buttons on left to tabs that use, when
clicked, the whole 60% of the screen to be able to show a lot more

Now with this new space you can show the info and the additional 5
menu buttons at the same time.

At the home view, clicking the People -button would show the five
additional buttons like it does now - and then second click would show
the information that's now shown clicking the small 'i' -button. And
one click more would take us to the home screen.

I think the telephony, messaging, people, connectivity, config texts
are not really needed for a long time, people will memorize them in a
day -> use the space for something more important.



| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi
| http://risto.kurppa.fi

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