Because I'm the guy Jobs and Sculley targeted with their marketing and they
were right on. The Mac is about lifestyle and freedom to express yourself
the way you want -- the power of the individual. The original Compact
represents that. The icon endures, because of what it represents. Beyond
that, no Mac has ever come close to the same charm of the original. Jobs
wanted a computer appliance and that's what the Mac is. It looks great on
your desk and it invites you to work on it. Today's Mac's lack that
friendliness. Sure they're technological marvels, but they're boxes and
panels and laptops. There's no room for the old "appliance". But, I'll take
it a step farther -- after 20 years, the thing still works! And everything I
already said that endears me to the Mac, is heightened by a sense of
nostalgia about the way the world worked 20 years ago. The reason the
computer appliance is gone today is because computers have mostly all become
workhorses, no matter how easy to use or personalized you can make them --
we work on them and we play on them, our lives revolve around them! What a
break then to sit in front of a familiar box that forces you to take your
time -- actually cuts you off from the rest of the world that wants to
overwhelm us through e-mail and stock updates on our modern beasts. No fans,
no whirring hard disks, just you, an elegant box and your thoughts to
express however you want. In 1984, Jobs was right about everything except
that computer users must band together in order to liberate the ideas the
Mac allows them to express individually. How ironic then, that the very
thing that kept Apple from dominating the computer systems of the world
would create such an oasis from the rest of it today? All the more reason I
embrace the 128k, do you realize those 400k drives actually "sing"? Really
listen to one sometime, particularly while it's formatting a disk. It's like
a ZEN meditation. No sir, I don't imagine we'll see the kind of computer the
compact Macs inspired again until "screens" are a thing of the past and we
can personalize our computers to look like anything we want and create
holographic displays wherever we want. Mine will look like a little beige
box. :-) 

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