> Sure, it was expensive, but really, the point was that the OS was
> pretty much unusable without a hard disk. I know, I used it. It worked
> but it wasn't pleasant. So the cheap price of the Amiga was illusory:
> to get it to shine, you needed to spend a lot more than the basic
> system price.

I developed software on an Amiga 1000 with two floppies, and it was fine.

Boot up. Load a minimal system into RRD:, reboot into the RAMdisk, now
you've got two floppies to use. 

Running from two floppies I had DMCS, Sculpt-3d, the compiler, and a
terminal program all chugging along. It was a FAR more productive
environment for me than a 7600/180 running OS 8 or OS 9. More responsive,
too, since the OS was inherently multitasking rather than having every
application pass control on when it was good-and-ready.

Disk I/O was a problem because there were single-threaded botlenecks in
the I/O subsystems. They could have multithreaded or maintained a request
queue in DOS... but the system got killed before they got that far.

This was also a problem in other early microkernels and why the single-server
model Mac OS X uses caught on. You can get better response with a pure
microkernel but you have to make DAMN sure there's no critical path that
can block on a single thread.

> Yes, an Amiga could do all the cool multitasking and so on running
> from floppies, but so could a PC if you had the patience of a rock.

No, a PC couldn't, not in any PC operating system available in the '80s.

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