This is definately the direction things are headed.  Processors are going to
eventually have tons of cores.  The main problem with the design you
mentioned though is that the overhead of having all those processors would
almost not make it worth it because of how slow they are.  And also, bus
speed becomes a serious bottleneck.  If each of those processors had its own
1MB of local memory (like a cache) that only it could access then I'd say
that would be great.  I think writing programs these days that don't scale
well to atleast 32 threads, if they are programs that require lots of
resources, is basically irresponsible and certainly shortsighted.  Just my
thoughts though.

- Nick

On 3/9/07, Chris Fant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Wouldn't it be cool if Intel or AMD would release a CPU with a primary
core somewhere close to today's state of the art along with oh, say,
about 256 lower-tech, existing-design cores.  Like 386s or something.
Definitely the mini-cores would have to be 32 bit, but they don't need
floating point operations (at least for for running MC simulations).
Or if that's a bad design, then use 486s that come with the floating
point unit.  That would be cool.
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