On 7/8/07, Paul Pogonyshev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
George Dahl wrote:
> How would one go about creating a random board position with a uniform
> distribution over all legal positions?  Is this even possible?  I am
> not quite sure what I mean by uniform.  If one flipped a three sided
> coin to determine if each vertex was white,black or empty, then one
> would have to deal with stones with no liberties somehow.  Could those
> just removed?

As I remember from theory of probability, you can create such a uniformly
"random" position this way[1]:

  1. create a really random position, i.e. traverse all intersection and
     assign a black/white/empty state at random to each;

  2. if it happens to be not legal, discard and repeat step 1.

I believe it should be very fast, and this mustn't be difficult to check.
I.e. rate of discards should be low enough for speed of algorithm to be
speed of step 1 times C, where C is small.

However, this will tend to give you very artificial-looking positions.
Whether it is fine for your use-case, you know better.

  [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rejection_sampling


I think this is what I want.  Thanks!  So I might have to repeat this
a few hundred times to actually get a legal position?
- George
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