On 7/9/07, Erik van der Werf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/9/07, George Dahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think this is what I want.  Thanks!  So I might have to repeat this
> a few hundred times to actually get a legal position?

Are you aware that nearly all of these positions will be final positions?

So I'll repeat my question: why do you need any of this? If you only
need final positions it's probably much better to take them from real
games, and if you actually need middle game positions you will have to
use a different procedure...

computer-go mailing list

Won't the final positions be much more likely to be rejected since they are
much more likely to be illegal?  What is your claim about the distribution
of the number of stones on the board with this scheme?

I am hoping to use this method to help generate training data for a
learning system that learns certain graph properties of the board that can
also be computed deterministically from the board position.  I know that
might sound crazy, but it is working towards the eventual goal of creating
feature extractors for Go positions.  By learning to map Go positions as an
array of stones to Go positions as graphs of strings (instead of just
mapping them with a hand coded algorithm) I can take intermediate results in
the learner's computation and use it as a feature for another learner.
- George
computer-go mailing list

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