On Mon, 2008-01-14 at 19:41 -0800, mingwu wrote:

> 1K ~ 100 K / sec is much faster than "a dozen" / sec of a conventional
> program.
> Do they calculate dragon safety (eyes, connections, patterns ...)? if
> not, the estimate will be VERY unreliable. 

That's just it, they don't.  They play a *random* game and get a win or
loss (0 or 1) out of it.  Random games in better positions tend to win
more frequently.

>         reevaluating positions more than once (maybe 100 times?) to
>         get a more
>         reliable estimate.
> why "reevaluating" the same position?

It's like flipping a weighted coin... It takes many flips to figure out
how frequently it comes up heads or tails.

> Sorry, I didn't go into their papers, can people who knows UCT, or
> actually working on UCT programs explain in a way that a layman can
> understand.  Thanks.

That's really the basics of how monte carlo go works.  UCT is a method
of choosing which coins to flip and how to combine results deep in the
search tree.  I'm sure many of us are surprised how well this stuff

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