Helps a little, but I'm still unclear on how a new node is handled.


Do you have lightweight nodes (that only contain info on one positions, with
pointers to children and siblings)?  Then when uct finds a node with no
children, what do you do?  Mogo and Mark create a new node for each new
simulation.  So do you create a single random child at this point and
continue, or do you create all children, then pick one, and continue?


The descriptions of RAVE are also pretty unclear.  I guess each node has a
rave counter that counts how many times this move was seen during a playout.
When you backup data in the uct tree, do you visit every child and update
the rave counters of the children?




[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jason House
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 11:15 AM
To: computer-go
Subject: Re: [computer-go] More UCT / Monte-Carlo questions



On Feb 5, 2008 2:08 PM, David Fotland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It think many programs run several simulations through a node before
allocating the children.  I can see how this saves memory, but then how do
you save the RAVE information from the early simulations? 

For RAVE, after doing a sim at a leaf, I walk back up the UCT tree.  At each
internal node, I keep update RAVE game counters applicable children.  I
never go deeper into the tree to apply RAVE values.  Does that help?


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