On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 06:57:07PM -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
> I think you may still have a bug.  You should get well over 1700 with
> 110,000 playouts, even if they are light playouts.  

Hmmm... That is going to be some tough debugging I suspect.

> >   I'm pretty sure my code is fairly well debugged now, but of course
> > there may be still bugs lurking; when I have put my bots on CGOS for the
> > first time it was awfully bug-ridden (and about 800 ELO worse ;-). What
> > ELO rating did pure UCT bots get historically with how many playouts?
> >   
> FatMan does 20k playouts and has heavy play-outs, very similar to the
> first paper where mogo described it's play-out strategy - basically
> playing a random out of atari move or a local move that fits one of
> their patterns.   It is rated 1800 on CGOS.    The tree expansion policy
> for nodes is based on the parent count,   not the child itself.    So
> once the parent has 100 play-outs children are expanded regardless of
> the number of games they have seen.    (Near the end of the game in 9x9
> go some moves could be tried a few times before being expanded.) 

Oh, interesting! I must have misread libEGO code which seems to use
similar thresholds.

What is the justification of using the parent playout count instead of
the node playout count itself?

                                Petr "Pasky" Baudis
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.    -- J. W. von Goethe
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