On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 11:25:04AM -0700, Christoph Birk wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Mar 2008, Petr Baudis wrote:
>> So I have created this page:
>>      http://senseis.xmp.net/?CGOSBasicUCTBots
>> and summed up what I could find in the thread about the various bots.
>> Please clarify if anything there is wrong / unknown, and add your bots
>> if they aren't there. I wanted to add Fluke too, but I do not know which
>> of the many incarnations should I choose. :-)
> I am not sure if we have an understanding of node expansion. myCtest
> does not really the parent node ... let me explain what I am doing:
> During decending (root at the top) the UCT tree:
>  if current-node is a leaf
>    if number of visits is at least MIN_VISITS then
>      determine all legal moves and create children nodes
>      choose a random child and descend
>    endif
>    run a random playout and propagate score upwards
>  else
>    calculate UCT score = win-ratio + C * sqrt(log(n)/m)
>    decend to "best" child
>  endif

Oh - then you are doing exactly what I do! I have suspected that there
indeed is a misunderstanding here. :-)

Does anyone actually do something different than the above, or is the
whole "count parent playouts / count node playouts" difference just a

>> Curiously, while pachi1 with 10k playouts is 30 ELO weaker than
>> drdGeneric-10k and myCtest-10k-UCT (it seems like ~1230 is _the_ rating
>> for 10k UCT), with 50k playouts it is 60 ELO stronger than
>> myCtest-V-0003 - is that one really just UCT with 50k playouts?

> myCtest-V-0020     | 1459 | 50k  | 0.5  | 50 in node   |
> myCtest-V-0021     | 1483 | 50k  | 0.5  | 25 in node   |
> myCtest-V-0022     | 1467 | 50k  | 0.5  | 10 in node   |
> myCtest-V-0023     | 1523 | 50k  | 0.5  | 5 in node    |
> myCtest-V-0024     | ?    | 50k  | 0.5  | 2 in node    |

I have added these bots to the table.

> My explanation is that with fewer playouts the reduced noise with
> a larger MIN_VISITS is better, while with more playouts the
> deeper search-tree with a smaller MIN_VISITS improves play.

I thought so too. I will try pachi with 10k playouts and MIN_VISITS 50.
Maybe I don't have many bugs in this part of code after all. ;-)

                                Petr "Pasky" Baudis
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.    -- J. W. von Goethe
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